The meaning of FORECAST is to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of study and analysis of available pertinent data; especially : to predict (weather conditions) on the basis of correlated meteorological observations
The meaning of FORECAST is to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of study and analysis of available pertinent data; especially : to predict (weather conditions) on the basis of correlated meteorological observations
FORECAST meaning: to say that (something) will happen in the future to predict (something, such as weather) after looking at the information that is available
forecast meaning, definition, what is forecast: a description of what is likely to happe...: Learn more.
Is our fate written in the stars? This forecast for 12 months,by Liz Greene, is focused on your inner transformation and development of consciousness - the deeper meaning of your very personal year. Read moreOrder it Jupiter trine Moon: With little effort ...
dire warning/prediction/forecast meaning, definition, what is dire warning/prediction/forecast: a warning about something terrible that ...: Learn more.
Rolling Forecast has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2. Forecast GDP means the average forecast for British Columbia’s real GDP growth made by the Economic Forecast Council and as reported in the annual February budget of the government; New Service Customers means all customers that submit ...
The general meaning ofto castis “to throw,” specifically, “to project something with force, from the hand, the arms, a container, etc.” The word occurs in a great many English expressions and collocations: cast out cast off cast anchor ...
SPRINT’s Initial Forecast shall provide the number of trunks for delivery of traffic to and from VERIZON over each Traffic Exchange Trunk group over the next eight (8) quarters. More Definitions of Initial Forecast Initial Forecast shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section 5.6(a). Samp...
The meaning of FORECAST is to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of study and analysis of available pertinent data; especially : to predict (weather conditions) on the basis of correlated meteorological observations