Compare foreach and for loop in CSharp Description The following code shows how to compare foreach and for loop. Example using System; /*from www . ja v a 2 s. c om*/ public class MainClass { public static void Main() { int sum = 0; int[] nums = new int[10]; for(int i ...
使用foreach来取代其它的循环结构。检查下面的三个循环: int [] foo = new int[100]; //Loop1: foreach (int i in foo) Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()); //Loop2: for (int index = 0; index < foo.Length; index++) Console.WriteLine(foo[index].ToString()); //Loop3: int len = foo.L...
Foreach loop in C# runs upon a single thread and processing takes place sequentially one by one. Foreach loop is a basic feature of C# and it is available from C# 1.0. Its execution is slower than the Parallel.Foreach in most of the cases. C# Parallel.ForEach loop Parallel.ForEach loo...
代码语言:csharp 复制 foreach (var item in collection) { // 判断条件 if (condition) { // 跳出循环 break; } } 在上述代码中,当满足condition条件时,break语句会立即终止foreach循环,并跳出循环体。 需要注意的是,break语句只能跳出当前所在的循环,如果嵌套了多层循环,break只会跳出最内层的循环。 关于C#...
在C#中,没有直接实现for-else和foreach-else语句的功能。但是,您可以通过使用其他结构来实现类似的功能。 对于for-else语句,您可以使用一个布尔变量来检查循环是否完成。例如: 代码语言:csharp 复制 boolforLoopCompleted=true;for(inti=0;i<10;i++){// 在此处执行您的代码if(someCondition){forLoopComplete...
Display the linked list by using a foreach loop : LinkList « Data Structure « C# / CSharp TutorialC# / CSharp Tutorial Data Structure LinkList using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class MainClass { public static void Main() { // Create an linked list. LinkedList<...
Hello everyone, I have list of this items. The jpgFilesNames object contain, And want to save this items to table. But now saving like this, I want to save 001,002 to like that... I have tried thi...
[c-sharp] view plaincopy List<string> list = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { list.Add(i.ToString()); } foreach (string str in list) { //will throw InvalidOperationException in runtime. list.Remove(str); } 究其原因,是因为Collection返回的...
Use a NestedforEachLoop in Kotlin We can also nestforEachunder one another. The example below demonstrates the use of nestedforEachin Kotlin. funmain(args: Array<String>) {varmyList = listOf<Int>(1,2)myList.forEach {println(it)println()myList.forEach {println(it*3)}println()}} ...
当用foreach遍历Collection时,如果对Collection有Add或者Remove操作时,会发生以下运行时错误:"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."如下所示:[c-sharp]view plaincopyList<string>list=newList<string>();for(inti=0;i<10;i++){list.Add(i.ToString());}foreach(stringstrinlist){...