Fordham University Law School Overview The School of Law at Fordham University has an application deadline of March 15. The full-time program application fee at the School of Law at Fordham University is $75. The part-time program application fee at the School of Law at Fordham University is...
今天,两位申请者收到了福特汉姆大学法学院(Fordham University School of Law)今年入学的JD项目的录取通知,恭喜! 这也使得学律申请者在当前申请季收到的美国法学院JD offer总数达到了27张。 Fordham JD offer: Fordham大学法学院在今年最新的US News法学院排名中位列第33,但该校的就业状况在某些方面远超前35的水准。
据报道,福特汉姆大学法学院(Fordham University School of Law)将在下周正式宣布成立“亚裔美国人和法律中心”(Center on Asian Americans and the Law),华裔法官Denny Chin和韩裔法学院教授Thomas Lee将担任该中心的联合负责人。 Chin认为,当他的祖父在1947年成为美国公民时,是在第二巡回上诉法院进行宣誓的,因为那...
Fordham University School of Law: A History shows and explains why, prior to World War II, Fordham was one of the leading law schools in America and, along with Columbia, one of the top two law schools in New York City. As one of those leading schools, Fordham was in the vanguard of...
Fordham Law School opens in New York With an undulating, checkerboard-patterned façade, the building makes an engaging gesture toward ... 更多信息 相关项目 Fiterman Hall, City University of New York, BMCCCenter for Government & International Studies, Harvard UniversityButler College Dormitories, Pri...
Fordham Law School opens in New York With an undulating, checkerboard-patterned façade, the building makes an engaging gesture toward ... 更多信息 相关项目 Fiterman Hall, City University of New York, BMCCCenter for Government & International Studies, Harvard UniversityButler College Dormitories, Pri...
今天有幸邀请到一位在Fordham商学院就读的学长,来分享他的“小众”大学就读体验。 Fordham大学简介 学长:Fordham University有两个校区,LC(Lincoln Center)和RH(Rose Hill)。LC位于纽约市中心,而RH则位于郊区。学校有三个主要学院:文理学院(Fordham College)、商学院(Gabelli School of Business)和法学院(Law School...
Law Firm, 1853–1993 (New York: Truman Talley Books/ Dutton, 1994), 33–34; William Hughes Mulligan, ''The Fiftieth Anniversary of Fordham University School of Law,'' Catholic Lawyer 2 (1956): 209; Mulligan, ''Fifty Years of Fordham Law School,'' Fordham Law Review 24 (1955): xi. ...
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Company Name, Street Address, City, County, Country, Business Telephone Number, Year Admitted to the NYS Bar, Judicial Department of Admission, Law School from which degree was granted, the registration status of the attorney, Next Registration month ...
Fordham University is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. Fordham University confers degrees through various schools, such as: the Gabelli School of Business, the School of Law, and the Graduate School of Education. ...