Before you get in over your head, and realize you’ve got bad hubs and not a bad 4×4 shift system, do yourself a favor and put the truck up on jack stands (all 4 tires off the ground). Shift the truck into 4×4, and with the motor running put the trans i...
I can’t say enough how much I appreciate your repair helps, they have aided in my enjoyment of my truck and are so easy; even a GIRL can do them…(just a joke for all those guys out there who think women can’t repair anything). Not only do I repair them, I enjoy repairing th...
andmaintenanceofyourDiesel-poweredlighttruck. Noticetoownersofpickuptrucksandutilitytypevehicles WARNING:Utilityvehicleshaveasignificantlyhigherrollover ratethanothertypesofvehicles. Beforeyoudriveyourvehicle,pleasereadthisOwner’sGuidecarefully. Yourvehicleisnotapassengercar.Aswithothervehiclesofthistype, failuretoop...
Hi i'm currently working on a design project for a mass air flow system from an old maf off a ford truck and trying to design it to where the students can input their own wheatstone bridge in the circuit but have not had any luck finding any schematics on the sensor board and was wo...
I can’t say enough how much I appreciate your repair helps, they have aided in my enjoyment of my truck and are so easy; even a GIRL can do them…(just a joke for all those guys out there who think women can’t repair anything). Not only do I repair them, I enjoy repairing th...