Wiringfaultontrailer(ifisturnedfromofftoon. equipped) Trailerbrakemodulefault(if equipped) Trailerconnected(ifequipped) Trailerdisconnected(if equipped) Brakefluidlevellow Checkrearparkaid(if equipped) Lowtirepressure(ifequipped)Warningcanbeclearedbypressing theSELECT/RESETbutton.Warning Tiremonitorfault(ifequip...
When you plug in the sensor connector, make sure the red seal on the connector is not visible when the connector is fully plugged in.To use the fifth wheel and gooseneck capabilities of the system, you need the sensor kit and the 7/12 pin trailer connector. If your vehicle is equipped ...
000 miles, including plenty more miles on the interstate with the stock trailer. That means this has also lasted at least 6,000 miles more than any other distributor we’ve had in it since purchase last year.
This is all the removed parts set aside in my trailer for safe-keeping. That's a lot of stuff, and we don't see all the things hanging by hoses, like power steering pump, and AC condenser coil. Few of the remaining images are photos, The photos I attempted did not come out well...