【海外】游骑侠猛禽|O impressionante Ford Ranger Raptor (2023) é insano 20:38 【海外】游骑侠猛禽|PROJECT PIONEER - first ever Next Gen Ford Ranger Raptor 13:12 【海外】纽约国际车展|Reporting in from the NYC International Auto Show 06:54 【海外】游骑侠猛禽|Short Impressions POV Driv...
如果生活不尽人意 哪就开角斗士顶天立地🐎#jeep牧马人 #爱越野爱生活 #角斗士 #阿元玩越野 #角斗士改装 2203 -- 1:34 App 牧马人.坦克300.路虎发现3越野爬坡同场大比拼! 1.3万 38 4:39 App 每日一车:牧马人的现状 4235 -- 0:27 App [福特Ranger游骑侠 "蝙蝠战车"黑化版]腾谦 Ranger游骑侠 方...
The first-ever Ford Ranger Raptor in North America is exclusively available as a 4-doorcrew cabwith standard 4-wheel drive (4WD). Perched atop theFord Rangerlineup, the new Raptor joins theF-150 RaptorandBronco Raptoras an extreme, off-road-ready machine that is versatile enough to be dri...
The wait is over the all-new 2024 Ford Ranger Raptor is coming to North America. Raptor is based on a proven legacy of performance and built with unco...
Purpose-built for senselessness acts of off-road awesomeness, the Ranger Raptor can chill out and perform normal truck stuff like hauling people and plywood too.
挂上Raptor称号、先行于泰国曼谷发表的《Ford Ranger Raptor》,为了迎合北美消费者的口味,未来美规车型将有可能舍弃2.0升四缸双涡轮增压柴油引擎,改搭2.7升EcoBoost V6双涡轮增压汽油引擎,最大输出可望上看335hp、52.4kgm。 根据美国当地媒体的预测,美规Ranger同样会推出高性能版本的Ranger Raptor,不过跟标准版本一样,...
如果不是对福特Ford F-150 Raptor特别熟悉的朋友,估计根本分不清楚这是Ford Ranger Raptor还是Ford F-150 Raptor。 我自己还是喜欢大一点的车型,个人觉得Ranger适合城里使用,但不适合我的使用需求,只有出去玩才开皮卡。 还是那句话,Raptor规格的车,改什么都挺多余的。
The price of the 2024 Ford Ranger Raptor starts at $55,365 before any extra-cost options, but there are very few of those except for a couple of exterior accessories and a different set of alloys. The price is MSRP and excludes the destination fee of $1,595. Since what you see is ...
上個月試駕的全新Ranger Wildtrak,其一身功力大增的產品實力已經令人相當讚賞與喜愛了,但這次試駕的Ranger Raptor更是讓人驚艷與愛不釋手,因為在Ford Performance性能團隊的打造之下,除了賦予新世代Ranger Raptor更為霸氣剽悍的外觀造型之外,更結合極致強悍的動力輸出以及引以為傲的越野硬悍實力,使其不僅擁有與F-150 Ra...
The next-generation and next-level Ford Ranger Raptor has arrived. Built to dominate in the desert, master the mountains and rule everywhere in between, the second-generation Ranger Raptor raises the off-road performance bar as a pick-up built for true e