Come along for the ride — from test day to track day — with the “Road to the Ring” documentary. Get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the Mustang GTD, born from the hands of Ford Performance engineers and designers. See how they took on the 73 corners of Germany's famed 12...
Come along for the ride — from test day to track day — with the “Road to the Ring” documentary. Get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the Mustang GTD, born from the hands of Ford Performance engineers and designers. See how they took on the 73 corners of Germany's famed 12...
Mustang GTD Spirit of America honors America’s spirit of ingenuity and perseverance and 60 years of Mustang achievement, from its first win at the 1964 Tour de France to becoming the first car from an American brand to lap the famed Nürburgring in less than 7 minutes 10-Jan-2025 | DETROI...
2024 Ford Mustang GTD Has An Aerodynamic Advantage Most Race Cars Don’t To Go Faster On The Track. From its active aerodynamic shape changing rear wing to special flaps that open and close under its body, Ford Mustang® GTD’s Drag Reduction System has the most advanced aerodynamic features...
Mustang GTD Spirit of America honors America’s spirit of ingenuity and perseverance and 60 years of Mustang achievement, from its first win at the 1964 Tour de France to becoming the first car from an American brand to lap the famed Nürburgring in less than 7 minutes 10-Jan-2025 | DETROI...
2025 Ford Mustang GTD Spirit of America 福特推出Mustang GTD的特别版以纪念其成为首辆在纽伯格林北环...
福特Mustang GTD技术图解(下):底盘 (Ford) 挑战最强欧洲跑车,Mustang GTD由福特与Multimatic合作设计研发,以北美IMSA赛事GT3组别命名,基于Mustang GT3赛车技术,采用轻量化、主动空力、半主动悬架、transaxle...
近期,在勒芒24小时耐力赛惊艳亮相的全新Ford Mustang GTD 成了全球车迷们关注的焦点。据悉该车应用了一系列久经赛场考验的赛车级先进科技,其中搭载的半主动式悬挂系统更是能让Mustang GTD从赛道到公路所向披靡。 “Mustang搭载如此先进的悬挂系统尚属首次,”Mustang GTD 首席项目工程师Greg Goodall表示,“要实现目标圈...
美系硬起 机增大V8突进纽北 Ford Mustang GTD #纽北 #Ford 点赞 11 收藏 分享 举报 您的浏览器不支持播放该视频! 连播 倍速 视频播放出错了 点击下载截图 擎动Auto 关注 牧马人的设计,机械感拉满 #牧马人 #设计 16 1 收藏 分享 举报 您的浏览器不支持播放该视频! 连播 倍速 视频播放出错了 点...
Mustang GTD Spirit of America honors America’s spirit of ingenuity and perseverance and 60 years of Mustang achievement, from its first win at the 1964 Tour de France to becoming the first car from an American brand to lap the famed Nürburgring in less than 7 minutes 10-Jan-2025 | DETROI...