To get a 2023 Ford Maverick Tremor, you’ll need to pay thousands more than a standard Maverick hybrid. In addition, because the Tremor’s required turbocharged AWD powertrain is EPA-rated to return no better than 21 mpg in combined driving, you’ll need to give up a whopping 16 miles o...
More on the Maverick Pickup Driven: Maverick Tremor is Ruggedly Cool 2023 Ford Maverick Hits the Trails with New Tremor Ford Maverick Towing and Payload Capacity Even with the hybrid powertrain, the Maverick offers 1500 pounds of payload capacity and 2000 pounds of towing capacity. With the turbo...
The Ford Maverick Tremor Is Cute and Kinda Capable It’s not a hard-core off-roader—but the Maverick Tremor is pretty capable for a unibody truck. By Jeff Perez New Car Reviews - Apr 04 2024 2023 Ford Maverick Tremor First Drive Review: Rattling The Richter Scale Although capable...
17 英寸 Falken Wildpeak A/T3W 全地形轮胎、钢制防滑板和两种越野驾驶模式(Mud & Ruts 和 Sand 取代标准 Mavericks 中的 Sport 和 Eco 模式)直接从 Maverick 的其他越野套件中取出,我们去年测试过的 800 美元 FX4 套件。在内部,橙色缝线和一连串的 Tremor 徽章为已经充满新颖纹理、颜色和图案的机舱增添了更多...
2023 Ford MaverickTremor 改变了这一点。正如去年福特的紧凑型卡车将皮卡价格带回现实一样,新的 Tremor 套装让越野街头的信誉触手可及,仅仅是纳税的凡人。在配备全轮驱动和 250 马力涡轮增压四缸发动机的中级 XLT 和顶级 Lariat 内饰上,它的售价为 2,995 美元。这意味着装备精良的 Tremor 至少需要 31,165 美元...
Otherwise, there are no major differences between the 2023 and 2024 models. Compare the 2023 and 2024 Maverick » Here are the key changes for the Ford Maverick over the last few years: 2024: revamped engine lineup 2023: Tremor Off-Road package debuts 2022: brand-new vehicle If you're ...
我们目前还没有 2023Maverick的官方定价,但根据去年的型号,MaverickTremor 的 XLT 装饰(两个套件)的价格应该在 30,505 美元左右,或者以套索为幌子的价格应该在 34,005 美元左右。订单将于今年 9 月开始。 “Ranger、F-150 和 SuperDuty 客户已经接受了我们 Tremor 系列卡车独特的越野能力、技术和外观更新,”福特...
The Ford Maverick Tremor just might be the perfect affordable entry-level overlander - even with all-whee-drive.
Following the success of the 2022 Maverick, Ford is expanding its compact truck lineup with the new 2023 Maverick Tremor™ Off-Road Package, one of For...
Ford has already added the Tremor off-road package for the 2023 model year, while a recent trademark suggests the company is also planning on offering an all-electric Lightning version soon. Will Ford also expand the Raptor family to include the Maverick alongside the F-150...