而若單就過彎極限來說,KUGA雖然肯定是同級休旅車中的好手,但要跟形似FOCUS的掀背車或是四門轎車比,KUGA的過彎極限自然也肯定沒有他們好。但KUGA強在他不需要駕駛對於路況很熟悉、也不需要駕駛全副武裝的繃緊神經,KUGA可以讓你用一種很輕鬆、很寫意、很愉悅的心情,舒服暢快的遊走在大小彎道之間。 開起來舒服比開...
New Kuga has evolved both inside and out, with a fresh, confident design. The smart Titanium, sporty ST-Line and rugged Active models have unique design features and distinctive personalities. An eye-catching full-width LED light bar frames the new front grille design, which proudly displays th...
New Kuga has evolved both inside and out, with a fresh, confident design. The smart Titanium, sporty ST-Line and rugged Active models have unique design features and distinctive personalities. An eye-catching full-width LED light bar frames the new front grille design, which proudly displays th...
上满牛肉!全能SUV出击 Ford KUGA 250 AWD ST-Line|新车试驾【Go车志】 http://t.cn/A6yuhXvF
【7Car小七車觀點】试驾福特锐际1.5T Ford Kuga EcoBoost®180 ST-Line Sport|重塑運動休旅形象 180動力首度換上 ST 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2023-11-04 21:40:10上线。视频内容简介:转载自「小七車觀點」延伸閱讀:https://www.7car.tw/articles/read/97787 有条
Ford Kuga將推出ST版本? TEXT:詹智仁 Jason 近期剛發表的大改款Ford Kuga(美國稱為Escape),除了標準的渦輪增壓汽油引擎外,也同步亮相HYBRID混合動力車型,似乎箭指TOYOTA RAV4 HYBRID的出色油耗而來,但如果Kuga推出ST性能版本,似乎又把目標轉向VW Tiguan 380 TSI R-Line Performance。
Kuga Performance and Property: Durable, easy to install, and adds a touch of luxury to your vehicle's interior Features: |Ford Rs Focus 2018|Sound Symposer Delete Focus St|Ford Fiesta St 2015| **Elevate Your Vehicle's Interior** Upgrade your Ford's interior with the 4pcs ST Stline line...
Specifications: Material Type: Plastic+Alloy Item Height: 10 cm Item Length: 80 cm Item Width: 10 cm Model Name: H8 Item Volume: 5ml Fragrance: Ocean Applicable Models: Ford Focus 2 3 Mondeo Ecosport Kuga Mk4 Fiesta Mustang Mk3 ST-line Features: |Ford Fiesta Air Conditioning Notes Working...
Ford Kuga 2008 The Ford Kuga is Ford of Europe's first entry into the highly competitive crossover market and promises a blend of rewarding on-road driving quality and... Ford Kuga 2019 The sporty Ford Edge ST-Line exterior features body-coloured lower door, wing and side mouldings; a fr...
Ford車系限時抗漲 買再抽德製高性能旅行車Focus ST Wagon SLS Edition Ford持續傾聽台灣消費者聲音,致力提供滿足消費者需求的堅強產品陣線,更獲得市場熱烈迴響,其中成功開創「純正運動跑旅」新格局的New Ford Kuga自在台導入以來,累計銷售即將突破25,000台,能見度持續提升,...