Ford E-250 Owners 使用说明书手册.pdf,Table of Contents Introduction 4 Instrument Cluster 14 Warning lights and chimes 14 Gauges 19 Entertainment Systems 22 AM/FM stereo 22 AM/FM stereo with CD 24 AM/FM stereo with CDX6/MP3 29 Auxiliary input jack 36 Sate
When the ignition switch is turned to the ON position, the airbag indicator light on the instrument cluster illuminates for approximately six seconds to signal that the system is functioning properly. Should a fault occur in the system, the airbag indicator light flashes, stays on or fails to ...
; 70,0,'060 Instrument Cluster','124824764; 71,0,'071 Cluster and Panel Illumination','125424764; 72,0,'081 Wipers and Washers','126324764; 73,0,'085 HeadlampsAutolamps','126724764; 74,0,'086 Fog Lamps','127624764; 75,0,'089 Interior Lamps','128024764; 76,0,'090 Turn SignalStop...
以下为本平台包含的 Ford(福特) - E350 - 2010 车型详细维修手册及电路、线路图,详细诊断及维修方法。欢迎下载使用! Ford(福特) E350 电路图(含零件元件,线束,接头位置) 1,0,'003 Introduction','1124714; 2,0,'004 Symbols','1624714; 3,0,'005 Connector Repair Procedures','11124714; 4,0,'009 Wi...
以下为本平台包含的 Ford(福特) - Ka - 2017-2019 车型详细维修手册及电路、线路图,详细诊断及维修方法。欢迎下载使用! Ford(福特) Ka 电路图(含零件元件,线束,接头位置) 1,0,'Introduction','1124635; 2,0,'Symbols','1624635; 3,0,'Connector Repair Procedures','11124635; 4,0,'Grounds','12024635...
以下为本平台包含的 Ford(福特) - 猛禽(F150) - 2023 车型详细维修手册及电路、线路图,详细诊断及维修方法。欢迎下载使用! Ford(福特) 猛禽(F150) 电路图(含零件元件,线束,接头位置) 1,0,'003 Introduction','1130441 2,0,'004 Symbols','1630441 3,0,'005 Connector Repair Procedures','11130441 4,0...
; 240,129,'160 Vehicle Repair Location Charts','179324414; Ford(福特) Focus(福克斯) 诊断、维修、拆装手册 活塞和气缸尺寸 拆卸和安装冷却液泵 系装配拆卸和安装副车架、稳定杆、控制臂 正时设定,门锁、天窗、遥控门锁设定 装配拆卸和安装带等速万向节 仪器,仪表装配拆卸和安装 点火起动开关和锁芯 滑动天窗...
AuthorisedFordDealerforrepair.Donot Yourvehicleisequippedwithanairbagforattempttoreinstallthecover.Ifthevehicle thedriver,locatedinthesteeringwheelmustbedriventhenonnoaccountshould andapassengerairbagislocatedinthetherebeanoccupantinthefront instrumentpanelabovetheglovepassengerseat. compartment.Thepassengerairbagcan ...
is the safe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure you are aware of all applicable local laws that may affect the use of electronic devices while driving.
Ford Pro Service also delivers maintenance support designed to suit commercial customers’ needs, including Mobile Servicing capability that can carry out 70 per cent of maintenance and repair tasks at a time and location convenient for the customer. A major UK fleet found that Mobile Servicing co...