focusofftheroad.Thedriver’sprimaryresponsibilityisthesafe operationoftheirvehicle.Onlyusecellphonesandotherdevicesnot essentialtothedrivingtaskwhenitissafetodoso. Accessorydelay:Yourvehicleisequippedwithaccessorydelay.With thisfeature,theradioandotherelectricaldevicesmaybeusedforupto tenminutesaftertheignitionisturned...
plate on a vertical surface of the trailer. Push firmly against trailer, pressing firmly against each corner of the sensor housing.Note: Do not install adhesive when temperature is below 32° F (0° C). See your Owner’s Manual for more information.ROUTE WIRING AND CONNECT SENSOR ...
you use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure ...
kit and the 7/12 pin connector.Mount the sensor to a vertical part of the trailer that pivots and moves when you turn your vehicle. Do not mount to a stationary surface or to the truck side of the fifth wheel trailer hitch.Make sure the arrows on the sensor housing are facing up.
Pro Trailer Backup Assist set WARNING Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, crash and injury. We strongly recommend that you use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the...