New Ford Focus 2022年式ST-Line LommelX四門/五門及Active EcoBoost®182任性版延續Focus車系基礎,搭載1.5升三缸EcoBoost®182渦輪增壓汽油引擎、SelectShift™八速手自排變速箱,採C2底盤及輕量化高剛性車體結構,在Ford研發團隊精心調校下,四門/五門ST-Line LommelX在性能操控上擁...
YouTuber AutoTopNL is here to help with a test of the 2022 Ford Focus ST on the unrestricted Autobahn.
You can read our long term review of the pre-facelift Ford Focus by clicking these blue words. Our choice from the range Ford 1.0 EcoBoost Hybrid mHEV 155 ST-Line 5dr £28,165 See prices and specs What's the verdict? “Success in a hatch isn't just about the drive. The Focus has...
New Ford Focus ST X 6MT及ST X Wagon採用源自Ford Performance團隊一手操刀的2.3L EcoBoost®雙渦流渦輪增壓汽油引擎,集結雙獨立可變汽門正時設計、偏時點火系統等先進技術,有效抑制渦輪遲滯現象,使最大280ps/42.3kg-m的充沛動能得以毫無保留地奔湧而出,且帶來飽滿且線性的加速力道。New Ford Focus ST ...
New Ford Focus ST X 6MT及ST X Wagon同步搭載EBB電子式煞車增壓輔助系統,搭配330 mm x 27mm前雙活塞卡鉗煞車碟盤、302mm x 11mm後煞車碟盤,足以呼應各式路況,提供優異的煞車制動效果。同時雙車型皆以C2高剛性底盤及賽道級懸吊系統做為基底,受惠於專屬設計的多連桿後獨立懸吊、eLSD電子式限滑差速器及動態...
两厢车爱好者,让我们一起拒绝三厢:欧洲版福特福克斯2023款测评, 视频播放量 9734、弹幕量 116、点赞数 100、投硬币枚数 7、收藏人数 52、转发人数 20, 视频作者 拒绝三厢的我, 作者简介 关注我,给你更多关于两厢车的美好瞬间两厢车爱好者(Hatchback / Wagon)每周两次
下面以我玩这台车一年半的经验来评价FocusST。 外观它并不算高调。特别是对于对车完全无感的人而言,它和福克斯没有任何区别。对车有一定了解才会感觉到这车的气场不一样。 一个很经典的例子:某次一群认识不认识的人出去有预谋有组织地集体撸串,我和同事都出车,他开一Scirocco,我开FocusST——还是最骚包的橙色...
Ford Focus review Driving What is it like to drive? Our most recent experience has been in the 1.0-litre EcoBoost hybrid, and it’s the powertrain we’d recommend, so that’s the one we’ll focus on here. We previously noted there are two engines, either 123bhp or 153bhp, and ...
首先看图:这张图是FORD PERFORMANCE全家福。换句话说,在这张图里的所有车型都是福特性能部门底下的车型...
TheFord FocusST story has its peaks and troughs. The first-generation car was based on the excellent Mk1FordFocus, but its naturally aspirated power plant perhaps didn’t exploit such a sparkling chassis. The next Focus ST had character in spades thanks to a 2.5-litre turbocharged in-line ...