“Our target was to deliver an all-new Focus ST that is as effortless to drive day-to-day as the rest of the Focus line-up,” Roeks said. “The model’s comprehensive range of technologies means customers gain exhilarating ST performance without sacrifice.” The all-new Focus ST will go...
首先,新一代Focus ST配备来自Focus RS的2.3升四缸双涡流涡轮增压引擎,最大马力有280ps(276hp),最大扭力有42.3 kgm。它重达1,439公斤,在7速手自排变速箱的辅助下能够在六秒完成0-100km/h的加速任务。 另一方面,BMW M135i搭载B48 2.0升四缸TwinPower涡轮增压引擎,最大马力达306ps(302hp),最大扭力45.8kgm...
福特不会推出全新一代的Focus RS,因为这个项目已被搁置,因此Focus ST现在是Ford最热销的性能掀背钢炮。也因为没有了全新的Focus RS,有些人会认为Focus ST的外观算不上凶狠。为了解决这个问题,JMS Fahrzeugteile为Focus ST设计出了抢眼,但又不会太过高调的车身套件。 首先,在车头部份JMS Fahrzeugteile并没有做任何变...
福特宣布了Focus ST五门热两厢车的新版特别版,通过升级的悬挂和轻质车轮增强驾驶动力,提供终极道路和轨道驾驶体验,以及独特的外观和内饰规格。 福特福克斯ST版可在选定的欧洲市场订购,包括英国,售价为35,785英镑。第四代 Focus ST 最动态的版本为真正的驾驶爱好者提供了使用福特性能调整可调线圈悬挂系统定制驾驶动态以适...
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Contact Us LowPoly Ford Focus ST-line 2019 Special Price€90.30€129.00 All of our Fords models are officially licensed by Ford Motor Company but they are available to purchase onlythrough the Turbosquid website because of Ford copyright policy. ...
The Focus ST satisfies performance fanatics who can't afford the track-ready Focus RS or want more power and practicality than the terrific albeit tiny Ford Fiesta ST.
新一代Focus ST预售价140万元的消息,原厂今日(12/13)公布预接单价:136.9万元,先来了解重点配置与资讯。 今年2月发表的新一代Focus ST终于正式在中国台湾现身,导入台湾的是搭载2.3升EcoBoost四缸涡轮引擎之汽油版本,最大马力为280hp/5500rpm,最大扭力42.8kgm/3000~4000rpm ,较前代配置的2.0升EcoBoost引擎(250...
2016 Ford Focus ST Modified 49k mi Manual LHD North Charleston, South Carolina, USA Not Sold $13,000 info Bring a Trailer Auction Oct 8, 2024 27 days ago 2013 Ford Focus ST Modified 93k mi Manual LHD Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Sold $7,400 Cars & Bids...