在國內首度發表的Focus Active Wagon車系,目前僅提供包括X以及 頂規Vignale兩種車型,正式售價96.9萬與104.9萬元,不過在此車系正式加入Focus戰線之後,與現行的Wagon、Hatchback及Active等車系,共同組成一支陣容豐富的Focus編成戰隊供買家選擇,冀望能透過此車海戰術再為Focus帶起一波銷售高峰,尤其Focus Active Wagon車系的...
It is yet unknown whether the decision to drop the Vignale versions of the Focus and Focus Active is limited strictly to the UK market or if it applies to other European countries as well. We reached out to Ford Europe to find out and will be updating this story when we hear back from...
Fordfinished a disappointing 27th place out of 32 car makers in the 2022What Car? Reliability Survey. That was below most other brands (only Peugeot, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Land Rover and Jeep did worse). The Focus itself came near the bottom of thefamily carsection of the survey, but it di...
[3] 指定車型係指 Focus Wagon ST-Line Vignale、Focus Active Wagon X及Focus Active Wagon Vignale享有最高80萬0利率購車優惠;另Focus Hatchback X、Focus Hatchback ST-Line Vignale、Focus Active Vignale及Focus Wagon X享升級電動尾門及60萬0利率。
本次New Ford Focus能於2024車訊風雲獎寫下「最佳國產中型車」四連霸佳績,成熟的動力科技、饒負駕馭樂趣的德系DNA設定、傲視同級的豐富科技配備、以及Ford Co-Pilot360™全方位智駕科技輔助系統,都是New Ford Focus深受評審團隊肯定的產品優勢。當中ST-Line Vignale、ST-LINE X及Active、Active Wagon等車型,皆導入...
同時,在福特六和持續傾聽市場聲音之下,不僅實現在台導入豐富空間機能的全新Wagon車型,New Ford Focus當中的ST-Line Vignale(Wagon與Hatchback)與Vignale(Active)車型,均配置13.2吋懸浮式全彩LCD觸控螢幕、SYNC®4娛樂通訊整合系統(支援無線Apple CarPlay®及Android Auto™)等全新科技,造就更為便利的數位化座艙氛圍...
Ford Focus Vignale 2019 The all-new Ford Focus is the first vehicle globally to be based on Ford's new C2 platform designed to enhance crash performance; deliver more interior space... Ford Focus 2019 The Ford Focus Active with its elevated ground clearance and protective black wheel arch and...
Avant-première FORD Focus Active 2019 Nouveauté Maroc FORD Kuga 2017 Maroc Nouvelle Ford Fiesta Vignale 2017 Nouvelle Ford Fiesta Active 2017 Toutes les photos Ford » Outils et compléments Offres Comparateur Vidéos / Essais Forum Cote / Occasion Concessionnaires Accueil...
Well, the stiffer ST-Line and ST-Line Vignale set-ups control body lean better in corners, making them the most agile trims in the range. Honestly, though, every Focus flows with elegant balance along roads strewn with challenging cambers, contours and crests. The taller Active models do le...
The focus of this report is to give some background to the Kuga, and this particular Kuga, rather than be some kind of road test, but it’s already possible to glean some early impressions. Related:Ford Puma ST Hybrid Spied, Could Be Introduced In 2022 ...