Ford Fiesta FAQs How much does the Ford Fiesta cost in Dallas, TX? The average Ford Fiesta costs about $8,813.66. The average price has decreased by -9.5% since last year. The 95 for sale near Dallas, TX on CarGurus, range from $3,900 to $19,998 in price. How many Ford Fiesta...
Ford Fiesta FAQs How much does the Ford Fiesta cost in Philadelphia, PA? The average Ford Fiesta costs about $8,810.14. The average price has decreased by -9.7% since last year. The 67 for sale near Philadelphia, PA on CarGurus, range from $3,500 to $20,432 in price. How many For...
TRAXXAS 新发布BL-2s Ford Fiesta ST Rally无刷拉力#74154-4,速度提升60%,加速更快,且做到免维护!升级了强化耐低温传动系统,以及便利的无夹快拆车壳系统。刷新的速度,新的玩车乐趣! 新一代BL-2s无刷动力,防水电调内置低电压检测、过热保护、三种模式(运动、竞赛和50%油门输出的新手训练模式)。3300 kV无刷电机...
小钢炮 | Ford Fiesta ST 最近帮朋友照顾他的嘉年华st,这车很久之前开过,一直回味无穷。手动、两门、前驱、涡轮,完美符合一台欧洲小钢炮的所有标签。除了轮毂以外均为原厂设定,非常好的体现出了福特原厂调教的功力。方向灵而不贼,屁股跟而不滑,很容易感知到他的极限,每天的通勤路都能感受到驾驶的快乐。底盘虽然...
BL-2s Ford Fiesta ST 无刷拉力 #74154-4 本店已上架,热卖中…… 01 BL-2S BRUSHLESS POWER 全新BL-2S无刷动力 Rally全新的BL-2s无刷动力系统以更高的速度、和更灵敏的油门让你率先到达终点。效率的提升、高速滚珠轴承和内部冷却风扇让玩车更持久,BL-2s 3300 kV电机无电刷磨损,经久耐用,几乎无需维护!
Ford 日前宣布在欧洲市场推出全新Fiesta ST Edition 特仕车型,仅限量500 部,其中有300 部供应于英国市场,建议售价为27,075 起。 Fiesta ST Edition 外观上采用了专属的Azura Blue 蓝色车身烤漆,并搭配亮黑色烤漆的外后视镜盖、车顶、尾翼以及雾灯周围的饰条等,同时黑色18 吋铝圈也采用轻量化处理,较标准车型减轻...
The Traxxas Ford® Fiesta® ST Rally VXL dominates the track with agile handling, AWD traction, and the 60+ mph speed of the legendary Velineon® brushless power system. Rally’s officially licensed clipless body and high-grip gravel tires offer th
#北环车闻[超话]# Ford Fiesta ST 2019款北环湿地刷圈 #北环车闻#
Traxxas Ford Fiesta ST Rally VXL Traxxas推出新款1/10拉力遥控车Ford® Fiesta® ST Rally VXL,操控更稳定的长轴距低重心底盘使用了AWD全时四驱,配备强劲的Velineon 3s无刷动力,极速接近100km/h!高抓橡胶轮胎粘合在12幅式轮圈上,轮圈的offset和同厂Slash 4X4短卡相同,Traxxas还给这款新车标配了Extreme Heavy ...