小钢炮 | Ford Fiesta ST 最近帮朋友照顾他的嘉年华st,这车很久之前开过,一直回味无穷。手动、两门、前驱、涡轮,完美符合一台欧洲小钢炮的所有标签。除了轮毂以外均为原厂设定,非常好的体现出了福特原厂调教的功力。方向灵而不贼,屁股跟而不滑,很容易感知到他的极限,每天的通勤路都能感受到驾驶的快乐。底盘虽然...
Checking Out Ford's Official New Heritage Fleet Porsche Says It Might Build a New Gas-Powered SUV Jeep Wrangler, Gladiator Get Flashy Mojito! Paint Porsche Hints at a New Version of the 911 GT2 RS Toyota to Resume RAV4 Production After Explosion ...
继Ford Focus ST五门掀背、Focus ST Wagon旅行车、Fiesta ST小型掀背等3款正宗ST性能车系,欧洲福特又在今日(2020/09/24)正式首演旗下第4款ST、同时也是首款挂上ST专属名号的性能小休旅「Puma ST」!简单来说,不同于Puma标准版所搭载的1.0升EcoBoost汽油直喷涡轮引擎,Puma ST性能版则是升级换装、采用源自...
Ford 日前宣布在欧洲市场推出全新Fiesta ST Edition 特仕车型,仅限量500 部,其中有300 部供应于英国市场,建议售价为27,075 起。 Fiesta ST Edition 外观上采用了专属的Azura Blue 蓝色车身烤漆,并搭配亮黑色烤漆的外后视镜盖、车顶、尾翼以及雾灯周围的饰条等,同时黑色18 吋铝圈也采用轻量化处理,较标准车型减轻...
Ford Fiesta ST (US-Model) specs Price in US $22,195 - $25,580 Car type Compact Curb weight 1243 kg (2740 lbs) Introduced 2014 Origin country United States Views 638 Submitted by Hoppelmoppel123 Lap times Best Filters TrackTime Motortrend Figure-8 0:26.00 Performance 0 - 60 mph ...
【4K】小钢炮 - Ford Fiesta ST 骑上它来一趟山海间说走就走的旅行吧 | Fiesta ST是那些寻求在日常通勤车辆中得到驾车乐趣的驾驶者的理想选择,它的性能与实用性的组合为其在热门小型高性能车类别中赢得了一席之地。 AIFASHION 关注0人627粉丝关注
Ward, David
Interiors Driving position, visibility, build quality, practicality Whatever your size, you'll find a decent driving position in theFord Fiesta ST. The range of adjustment from the steering wheel and seat, plus the amount of headroom on offer, is excellent for such a small car. ...
New Brushless Power Rally’s newBL-2sbrushless power system gets you to the finish line first with more speed, quicker acceleration, and a more responsive throttle. Improved efficiency, high-speed ball bearings, and an internal cooling fan allow Fiesta ST Rally to run battery after battery for...