Ford_Fiesta_ST 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2017-02-21 20:00:10上线。视频内容简介:Ford_Fiesta_ST
The oldest Mk7 Fiesta ST is a reasonably young 10 years old, but it’s still worth checking the condition of the bottom of the doors, the rear wheel arches and the end of the sills for rust – just in case. This Fiesta is a performance car, so could have hidden crash damage, that ...
小钢炮 | Ford Fiesta ST 最近帮朋友照顾他的嘉年华st,这车很久之前开过,一直回味无穷。手动、两门、前驱、涡轮,完美符合一台欧洲小钢炮的所有标签。除了轮毂以外均为原厂设定,非常好的体现出了福特原厂调教的功力。方向灵而不贼,屁股跟而不滑,很容易感知到他的极限,每天的通勤路都能感受到驾驶的快乐。底盘虽然...
Ford Fiesta ST (US-Model) specs Price in US $22,195 - $25,580 Car type Compact Curb weight 1243 kg (2740 lbs) Introduced 2014 Origin country United States Views 638 Submitted by Hoppelmoppel123 Lap times Best Filters TrackTime Motortrend Figure-8 0:26.00 Performance 0 - 60 mph ...
The Traxxas Ford® Fiesta® ST Rally VXL dominates the track with agile handling, AWD traction, and the 60+ mph speed of the legendary Velineon® brushless power system. Rally’s officially licensed clipless body and high-grip gravel tires offer th
Fiesta ST Rally BL-2S Data Vehicle Specs Motor Specs ESC Specs Features List What’s Included Length:21.00 inches (535 mm) Front Track:11.00 inches (281 mm) Rear Track:11.00 inches (281 mm) Ground Clearance:0.80 inches (21 mm) Weight (no battery):5.8 pounds (2.63 kg) ...
FordFiesta ST specs Price in Europe€18,025 Car typeCompact Curb weight1137-1153 kg (2507-2542 lbs) Introduced2005 Origin countryGermany Gas mileage12.9-6.5 l/100 km (18-36 mpg US / 22-43 mpg UK) Views62.4k Lap times TrackTime
Traxxas的Ford® Fiesta® ST Rally拉力遥控车,凭借细腻操控和无可匹敌的AWD强劲抓地力,玩转各种地形!标配全新BL-2s无刷动力,加速更快,极速更高,原厂Extreme Heavy Duty Upgrade Kit强化传动和悬挂升级套件加持,提升整车强度!请欣赏最新视频 AWD Rally Car | @Traxxas Ford® Fiesta® ST Rally BL-...
【4K】小钢炮 - Ford Fiesta ST 骑上它来一趟山海间说走就走的旅行吧 | Fiesta ST是那些寻求在日常通勤车辆中得到驾车乐趣的驾驶者的理想选择,它的性能与实用性的组合为其在热门小型高性能车类别中赢得了一席之地。 AIFASHION 关注0人627粉丝关注
TRAXXAS 新发布BL-2s Ford Fiesta ST Rally无刷拉力#74154-4,速度提升60%,加速更快,且做到免维护!升级了强化耐低温传动系统,以及便利的无夹快拆车壳系统。刷新的速度,新的玩车乐趣! 新一代BL-2s无刷动力,防水电调内置低电压检测、过热保护、三种模式(运动、竞赛和50%油门输出的新手训练模式)。3300 kV无刷电机...