I thought maybe it had to do with engine torque. The more power to the wheels required more lugs to distribute that turning power more evenly. I’ve turned into a lug nut. I count lugs like a mad man on the street. Reply jpcavanaugh Posted October 29, 2014 at 6:15 ...
7. Lug Nut Wrench (Tire Iron). OPTIONAL -Disc Brake Quiet (bluish glue to quiet any type of rattle from brakes pads) -Torque Wrench (for tightening lug nuts to 100 ft-lbs) Keypad Code - Locating the Factory-Set Key Code / Programming a new Personal Keypad Code ...
7. Lug Nut Wrench (Tire Iron).OPTIONAL-Disc Brake Quiet (bluish glue to quiet any type of rattle from brakes pads) -Torque Wrench (for tightening lug nuts to 100 ft-lbs) Keypad Code - Locating the Factory-Set Key Code / Programming a new Personal Keypad Code Figure 3 - Tools Required...