If you have your own stories, pleasesubmitthem. I will look at compiling them into this web site. Your feedback is encouraged and appreciated...please f eel free to leave acomment. Regards, Duane Harrison dharrison@fixyourford.com
Yes the dreaded pats. My 98 ranger did not come with pats from the factory. So instead of spending 175.00 and getting it deleted out of my PCM I decided to wire it in. I found a wiring diagram online. I took the box, key ring around the lock cylinder, and the ignitio...
ORDER NOW: New Modified MACH Radio Power Supply Board $92.99 (free shipping) FORD / MERCURY / NISSAN QUEST Figure 3.2 - Ford/Nissan MACH Radio Do-It-YourselfRepair instructionsfor theBlank Displayon this radio. Typically found in Ford from 1998-2001. Mach Radio with Single CD, Cassette, and...
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