Gas + EcoBoost® The engines that have driven outstanding towing and hauling performance for generations are at the core of F-150® trucks. Build & Price PowerBoost® Full Hybrid V6 Get powerful towing and the hauling performance while helping to maximize your time driving instead of fill...
福特猛禽(Ford Raptor)作为一款高性能越野皮卡,凭借其卓越的性能和独特的设计,在市场上备受关注。2024款福特F-150猛禽的价格在72.08万元至96.5万元之间,具体价格取决于车型配置和市场情况。 福特猛禽搭载了一台3.5升EcoBoost V6双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率可达450马力,峰值扭矩为643牛·米,百公里加速时间仅为4.2秒。此...
Gas + EcoBoost® The engines that have driven outstanding towing and hauling performance for generations are at the core of F-150® trucks. Build & Price PowerBoost® Full Hybrid V6 Get powerful towing and the hauling performance while helping to maximize your time driving instead of fill...
Introducing the all new Ford F-150 truck. Introducing many new features including hybrid options and new technology. Book a test drive today!
Gas + EcoBoost® The engines that have driven outstanding towing and hauling performance for generations are at the core of F-150® trucks. Build & Price PowerBoost® Full Hybrid V6 Get powerful towing and the hauling performance while helping to maximize your time driving instead of fill...
Gas + EcoBoost® The engines that have driven outstanding towing and hauling performance for generations are at the core of F-150® trucks. Build & Price PowerBoost® Full Hybrid V6 Get powerful towing and the hauling performance while helping to maximize your time driving instead of fill...
Gas + EcoBoost® The engines that have driven outstanding towing and hauling performance for generations are at the core of F-150® trucks. Build & Price PowerBoost® Full Hybrid V6 Get powerful towing and the hauling performance while helping to maximize your time driving instead of fill...
Gas + EcoBoost® The engines that have driven outstanding towing and hauling performance for generations are at the core of F-150® trucks. Build & Price PowerBoost® Full Hybrid V6 Get powerful towing and the hauling performance while helping to maximize your time driving instead of fill...
19款猛禽搭载3.5L EcoBoost V6发动机,其最大功率为280kW,与之匹配的则是10速手自一体变速箱。前脸实在霸气,毕竟长宽高分别为5910/2192/1992mm的巨大物体,给个蜡笔小新的脸就不太合适了。防脱落轮毂也不能少,经常玩穿越的朋友一定知道,在泥泞路面、雨林或者沙漠等越野环境下行驶,防脱落轮毂的重要性。F-15...
F-150® RAPTOR® 3.5L EcoBoost® High-Output V6, 5.0L Ti-VCT V8, 5.2L Supercharged High-Output V8 Engine Double Cab Bodystyle Agate Black Metallic Customize your modular front bumper Need a winch or a brush bar on your front bumper? Now you can customize it as you like. ...