Tuesday 26 March 2024 13:58 Online bookings for the 3.0L V6 Diesel Ford Ranger Wildtrak and Ford Everest Platinum will be available at www.ford.co.th starting from 12.00 pm on March 26; the Everest Platinum is limited to only 350 units.Exclusive to the Ford booth are interactive 4-meter...
January 22, 2024—國際車訊,車壇資訊 Ford Ranger Platinum 和 Everest Wildtrak 同时登场,开价 RM 183,888 及 RM 338,888 起。 Ford Ranger Platinum 及 Everest Wildtrak 正式在本地发布,两款定位不同于之前发布的新一代车型,前者定位在原本的 Wildtrak 及 Raptor 之间,而后者则是定位更加越野的等级,售价...