您好,缸盖温度(CHT)传感器运用热敏电阻的原理将气缸盖的温度输送给电子控制模块,以监控发动机温度和冷却速率。一些复杂的发动机每个气缸拥有一个缸盖温度传感器。该 故障码 表明电子控制模块检测到发动机处于过热状态,失败安全模式已经启动。故障原因包括冷却系统故障,发动机冷却液太低,基本发动机问题等。你...
P1601 ECM/TCM serial communication error P1602 Immobilizer/ECM comms error P1603 EEPROM malfunction P1604 Code word unregistered P1605 KAM test failure P1606 ECM control relay O/P circuit malfunction P1607 MIL O/P circuit malfunction P1608 Internal ECM malfunction P1609 Diagnostic lamp driver faul...
P0107 Error Description BARO/MAP Sensor Low Voltage Detected Sensor operating voltage is less than 0.25 volts (VREF), as a result it failed below the minimum allowable calibrated parameter. Possible Faults Open in the circuit, or short to ground VREF circuit open, or short to ground Damaged BA...
P1100MassAirFlowSensorCircuitIntermittent/CheckofallOBDIISystemsNotComplete P1101MassAirFlowSensorOutOfSelfTestRange/KOERNotAbleToCompleteKOER Aborted P1102MAFSensorInRangeButLowerThanExpected P1103MAFSensorInRangeButHigherThanExpected P1104MAFGroundMalfunction ...
New York Auto Show: Ford Interceptor Muscle CarMark Durham