For the physics GCSE, you need to know some examples of forces that create turning effects, how the principle of moments can be utilised and how to calculate the magnitude of turning forces and moments. If an object is fixed in place using a pivot (a shaft or other fixing that is design...
UNIT 2 GCSE PHYSICS 2.1.3 Forces and Braking © 2011 FXAtiredness, drugs
This GCSE Physics quiz challenges you on forces and hydraulics. Pressure can be transmitted in all directions through all fluids. It is transmitted particularly efficiently through liquids. Although their particles are further apart than solids, they are still close enough together for liquids to be ...
UNIT2GCSEPHYSICS2461462ForcesandMotion10 系统标签: gcsemotionforcesphysicsunittrolley UNIT2GCSEPHYSICS 2.1.2 ForcesandMotion ©2011FXA 10 Theapparatusshownbelowcanbeusedtomeasurespeedinthelaboratory. Asthetrolleyentersthelight-gate,theleadingedgeofthe‘interrupt’card (oflength=L)breaksthelightbeaminthegate...
UNIT 2 GCSE PHYSICS 2.1.2 Forces and Motion 10 2. MEASURING ACCELERATION PRACTICAL WORK computer 1. MEASURING SPEED light-gate 1 light-gate 2 interrupt card The apparatus shown below can be used to measure speed in the laboratory. L computer interrupt card light-gate string pulling trolle...
We based our questionnaire on an article by Peter Whiteley in a recent issue of Physics Education [3] and our work extends and complements his findings. The students covered a broad range of potential from mean GCSE scores of 4.5 to 7.0. In figure 2 we include the results from just two ...
The unit of power is the watt (W) What is POWER? Power is the ‘rate of doing work’. A powerful machine is one that can transfer a lot of energy in a short space of time. Work Done J Power = Time Taken s W WD The unit of power is the watt (W) P x t ...
Episode6- Gravity RacingBalls Writeouteachtermalongwithits correctdescription Descriptions •anticlockwisemoments=clockwise moments •twoboysofdifferentweightssitopposite eachotheronaseesaw,boththesame distancefromthepivot •theturningeffectofaforce unbalanced system LeverPrinciple GCSEPHYSICS: Moments Gina...