mixed convectionA computational study of heat transfer in a liquid-saturated porous annulus with a heated inner wall and a cold outer wall is reported here. Results are presented for heat transfer rates from the inner cylinder for a wide range of parameters which characterize free, forced and ...
The momentum balance and the energy balance equations as well as the viscous stress constitutive equation are solved analytically in order to obtain the velocity field, the viscous stress field and the temperature field. First, two special cases are analyzed: mixed convection of a Newtonian fluid;...
Mixed convection friction factors and Nusselt numbers in vertical annular and subchannel geometries Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer (1988) D.A. Dingee et al. Heat transfer from parallel rods in axial flow Battelle Memorial Institute, Report BMI-1026 (1955) P. Miller et al. Heat transfer to water...
Turbulent mixed convection adjacent to an isothermal vertical flat plate was numerically examined by exploring the effect of small velocity on turbulent natural convection flow. A low Reynolds number k-∈ turbulence model, equivalent to the one used by Jones and Launder (1973), was employed in the...
74. Melina et al.37and Paul et al.38reported that the production region of SFG-induced turbulence has a stronger dominance over heat transfer than the decay region, despite the fact that the turbulence intensity in both regimes was kept similar. Figure8a demonstrates the profile of SFG-induced...
Open questions related to liquid metal heat transfer, among others, is the behaviour during the transition of the heat transfer regimes. Therefore, this contribution aims to provide useful information related to the transition from forced to mixed and free convection, with the focus on a ...
A modified Peclet number based on the slip velocity at the wall has been introduced in order to uniquely transform the governing equations for all convection regimes, namely, the pure forced convection regime, mixed convection regime and pure free convection regime. Possible similarity solutions are ...
The relative importance of both the buoyancy and the inertial forces is described in terms of the Froude number $(Fr)$. The vapour bubble evolves periodically at low $Fr$ values, while a stable vapour column develops at high $Fr$ values. The interface evolution pattern obtained ...
High fidelity simulation for the turbulent forced and mixed convection cases of LBE around rods bundle has been carried out by Angeli et al., (2019). In their study, they observed a mean secondary flow that generates a circulatory motion of the same size as the elementary flow cell. To ...
A unified similarity transformation is proposed to extract all possible similarity solutions for free, forced and mixed convection within Darcy and non-Darcy porous media. The slip velocity at the wall resulting from both the externally forced flow and the buoyancy force is chosen as a velocity ...