Towards Next Generation P-Y Relationships: Part 1 Report Part 1: State of Practice–State of the Art; University of California: Irvine, CA, USA, 2018. 27. Wrana, B. Pile Load Capacity–Calculation Methods. Stud. Geotech. Mech. 2015, 37, 4. [CrossRef] 28. Ashour, M.; Norris, G. ...
Liquid silicone (Ecoflex 00-10, Smooth-On, Inc., Macungie, PA, USA) was poured into the space, and a cylindrical bar with a diameter of 1 mm was inserted into the lower hole to produce the internal portion of the sensor. It should be noted that the bar did not pass through, and...
Measurements were performed in a liquid environment by using AFM (MFP-3D SA, Asylum Research, Santa Barbara, CA, USA) in contact mode. The linear relationship between the friction force and the normal force at different scan velocities was observed (Figure 4C). Although it has been recognized...
The pre-bent FBG sensors embedded into the silicone membranes Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEWeliminated shifting of the sensor and enhanced the sensor flexibility and compre8ssoifo1n4 resistance, as well as accuracy. FFiigguurree 77.. LLiinneeaarriittyy ooff BBrraagggg wwaavveelleenn...
Dawson, T.G.; Kurfess, T.R. Tool Life, Wear Rates and Surfacebquality in Hard Turning; The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology: Atlanta, GA, USA, 1995. 18. Ko, T.J.; Kim, H.S. Surface Integrity and Machineability in Intermittent Hard ...
42.256 µm−1 1 <1.22 µm−1 >5.12 µm 56.295 µm−1 1 Co/Pt Stack (ref) <1.22 µm−1 >5.12 µm 50.726 µm−1 1 <1.22 µm−1 >5.12 µm 63.231 µm−1 9 MMaaggnneettoocchheemmiissttrryy22002211,,77,,7x8FOR PEER REVIEW 1188 of 2200 Figure A6...