In accordance with Air Force Instruction (AFI) 34-248: Child Development Centers (CDCs) and Force Support Squadron (FSS)'s mission statement, the Base is required to provide quality, available, and affordable services for childcare. Tinker AFB is deficient in meeting only 60% of current ...
Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron $14.99+ STRIKERS 1945 $9.99 Dogos $11.99 VASARA Collection $9.99 Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection $19.99 Sine Mora EX $19.99 Crisis Wing $7.99 I, AI (Xbox Series X|S) $9.99 Andro Dunos 2 $14.99 Astro Flame Starfighter (Xbox Series X|S) $9.99 R-Ty...
F-22 Raptor, based out of Al Udeid Base in Doha, Qatar, receives fuel from a 28th Expeditionary Air Refuelling Squadron KC-135 Stratotanker during a combat air patrol mission over an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia, in this picture taken September 13, 2019 and released...
“We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring the safety of the men and women who operate our aircraft and the safety of our community both on base and in Japan,” 21st Special Operations Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Matthew Davis said in a statement. “These safety mitigation measures ...
Known as a ‘Bushranger’ gunship it was able to cover troop-carrying helicopters approaching ‘hot’ landing zones and provide fire support. Rather painfully, as just a few months prior to 9 Squadron’s last mission in Vietnam on the 19th November 1971, Flight Lieutenant ‘Lofty’ Lance ...
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Alain Haldeman, a 17th Special Operations Squadron AC-130J Ghostrider aerial gunner, conducts live-fire training in Japan on Nov. 10, 2022. (Airman 1st Class Alexis Sandoval/U.S. Air Force) Former AFSOC head Lt. Gen. Jim Slife — the nominee to be the se...
The 45th Weather Squadron, for example, is part of Space Launch Delta 45 at Patrick Space Force Base in Florida and is responsible for performing weather observations and making forecasts in support of launch operations at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and NASA's Kennedy Space Center. These...
Squadron RAF AACC: All Arms Commando Course Overview P Company Selection & Training Courses Overview The Pathfinder Platoon 4/73 (Sphinx) Special Observation Post Battery Royal Artillery 148 (Meiktila) Forward Observation Battery Royal Artillery Special Forces Parach...
Tech. Sgt. Geraldine Lovely of the 99th Force Support Squadron at the Nevadaair force baseposted a video of her in-uniform rant Jan. 26, in which she claimed black female airmen and noncommissioned officers had attitude problems. “It pisses me the [expletive] off that ...
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Brian K. Johnson, 32, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, was a flight engineer assigned to the 21st Special Operations Squadron, 353rd Special Operations Wing, Yokota Air Base, Japan. U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jacob “Jake” M. Galliher, 24, was a native of Pittsfi...