error: failed to push some refs to '' hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again. 意思是本地代码落后...
文心快码 针对你遇到的问题“remote: codehub: you are not allowed to force push code to a protected branch”,以下是对该问题的详细解答: 理解错误信息: 错误信息“you are not allowed to force push code to a protected branch”表明你尝试使用git push --force命令强制推送代码到一个受保护的分支,但...
My app receives a zip file, I create a repo locally, commit my files to the master branch, add the origin remote and then try to push to github. Since files already exist in the github repo, I get the error, "[Error: Cannot push because a reference that you are trying to update o...
After amending, we can now push the merged changes back to the remote repository. # Amend git commit --amend #Update Commit Message git push --force origin master Before we sign off, let’s briefly discuss how to delete a remote branch. This can be useful when we want to do away ...
push时会在remoterepo中创建local branch),因此很重要的一点是:不要向另外一个开发人员的本地repo做push操作(当然也不是很绝对哦!!),由于bare库没有working...commits以一个remotebranch来代表,也就意味着fetch方式对你本地开发工作没有任何影响。这种模式给你集成应用别人的改动之前来review提供了方便。这一点和sv...
git push命令用于向远程仓库上传本地仓库的内容。push操作就是将本地的commit打包上传到远程仓库中。与之对应,git fetch操作向本地分支导入commits,push操作则向远程分支导出commits。远程分支通过之前文章中提到的git remote命令进行配置。push操作有可能会覆盖远程的变更,因此操作时需要谨慎行事。关于这个话题下面会有更...
SF_IMPROVED_CODE_COVERAGE将 Apex 测试结果的范围限定为在测试运行期间输入的类,当运行 和 。设置为以改进代码 覆盖。apex run testapex get testtrueSF_JSON_TO_STDOUT当 Salesforce CLI 命令失败时发送消息,而不是 。设置此项 环境变量 to 对 脚本用例。stdoutstderrtrue ...
How do you undo a Git commit? Merge How do you undo a Git merge? Pull Git Pull vs Fetch How do you create a GitHub pull request? How do you Git pull force? How do you Git pull rebase? Push How do you Git push a tag? How do you Git push to a remote branch? How do you...
I start by creating a branch and making a few commits. When I get stuck, I ask a colleague for help. They begin from an earlier commit, before I made the mistake, resolve the issue, and push their changes. At this point, I need to replace my local version with the updated remote ...
I start by creating a branch and making a few commits. When I get stuck, I ask a colleague for help. They begin from an earlier commit, before I made the mistake, resolve the issue, and push their changes. At this point, I need to replace my local version with the updated remote ...