“Force Wizard” is my series on the Force powers in Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG lines. It is primarily aimed at new players/GMs, and more experienced players playing a Force-sensitive character for the first time. In earlier SWRPGs, Alter was one of 3 main categories of Force ...
“Force Wizard” is my series on the Force powers in Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG lines. It is primarily aimed at new players/GMs, and more experienced players playing a Force-sensitive character for the first time. Today I look at Imbue, fromDisciples of Harmony, the Consular care...
Misdirect, like some other Force powers, combines two different but related abilities–to hide things from the “weak minded,” or to make them see something that’s not there. I use “weak minded” deliberately, as this power is a type of mind trick, even though it isn’t THE classic...
“Force Wizard” is my series on the Force powers in Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG lines. It is primarily aimed at new players/GMs, and more experienced players playing a Force-sensitive character for the first time. Today, I am covering the Ebb/Flow power from Disciples of Harmony...
“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Welcome back, padawans and disciples. First some general notes. Since the specializations (specs) vary so much on number of FTs, I will usually cover two or three specs per article....
“Force Wizard” is my series on the Force powers in Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG lines. It is primarily aimed at new players/GMs, and more experienced players playing a Force-sensitive character for the first time. We come to Jerserra’s Influence (JI), the final Force power, ...
andRise of the Separatists, is one of the telekinetic Force powers, a more specialized version of Move, if you will. It’s a pretty versatile power. You can hold someone in place; inflict conditions, strain, or damage; even duplicate one of the most iconic–and Darkside–Star Wars ...
“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Welcome back, padawans and disciples. In Part 5 we check out Force talents appearing in the Consular career specs Ascetic and Teacher, both inDisciples of Harmony (DoH). ...
“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Greetings, padawans and disciples. In Part 17, we take a look at theKnights of FateColossus, Joyu Berserker, and Steel Hand Adept Force talents from the Warrior career....
“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Welcome to Force Wizard Phase III! This installment of “Force Wizard’s Got Talents” and the next are set up a little differently from my plan for most of the series, since ther...