"Power Book IV: Force" follows Tommy Egan as he leaves New York behind to establish a new criminal empire in Chicago. Navigating a complex web of rival gangs and new alliances, Tommy aims to become the city's most powerful drug dealer, while dealing with personal vendettas and dangerous fo...
Power Book IV: Force: Created by Robert Munic. With Isaac Keys, Joseph Sikora, Kris D. Lofton, Shane Harper. Follows Tommy Egan after he cuts ties and puts New York in his rearview mirror for good.
1/6/2025 by Tanya Clark Celebrating The Soaps Laverne Cox Steps Down as E! Red Carpet Host Ahead of Golden Globes: ‘What an Incredible Privilege It Has Been’ 1/4/2025 by Ethan Shanfeld Variety Film + TV Laverne Cox Exits E!’s Red Carpet Coverage After 3 Years: “I’m So Excit...
Power Book IV: Force Recap: Everybody Wants Tommy Dead So much arguing, slapping, and kidnapping is happening in Chicago. Episode 4 Storm Clouds Power Book IV: Force Recap: Tommy Gun Tommy is the guy you want on your team. Episode 3 Firestarter Power Book IV: Force Recap: Money Don...
第1集 权欲第四章:武力 第一季 Power Book IV: Force Season 1第1集 权欲第四章:武力 第一季 7.8(465人评价)
7.8(463人评价) >去 权欲第四章:武力 第一季
Power Book Ⅳ: Force《权欲第四季:武力(2022)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,纽约对我来说已经不安全了 New York aint safe for me no more. 妈 我得离开了 Ma, I gotta get the fuck out of town. 你不能就这么一走了之 You cant just pick up and leave ever
Power Book Ⅳ: Force《权欲第四季:武力(2022)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,武力 前情回顾 Previously on Force... 你在打量我的城市 You clockin my city. 打量了又怎么样 It gonna be a problem if I am? 只有一个办法可以知道 Only one way to find out.
YouknowthenameKikiWatkins? 我知道你光靠警♥察♥的薪水 Iknowyoucan'ttakecareofyoursister 是照顾不了你妹妹的 onacop'ssalary. 在我看来,不论我们是从哪开始的 Seemstomethatnomatterwherewestarted, 现在我们都在同一艘船上了 weonthatsamesidenow. 我是为了你做的好事来的 I'mherebecauseofwhatyoudid...