ABeam + Salesforce 解决方案将始终以优秀的专业能力、丰富的行业洞察和智慧的技术解决方案,助力企业数字化改革,应对挑战并实现高质量发展目标。▶数据合规之上的价值 Salesforce落地阿里云有助于解决用户在数据合规方面的问题,这一解决方案的诞生可以充分拥抱中国本土独特的数字化技术能力以及其他平台。ABeam中国将以...
A. Salazar-HernándezTransactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical EngineeringUrrutiaGalicaia, J. L. and SalazarHernandez, A., 1992. "On the maximum amplification factor of a moving point force on a simple beam", Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 16(1), pp....
A resonating silicon-beam force sensor is being deveoped using micro-machining of silicon and IC-compatible processes. Results are reported here of measurements on the force-to-frequency transfer of bare silicon prototypes. The measurements with forces on the sensor beam up to 0.4 N shows a freq...
Through plate-truss composite beam is a new-type bridge structure for the longitudinal and transverse beam on floor system to combine with concrete slabs and it will be used widely to the bridge on high-speed railway. To know the force-bearing properties of this structure, a through plate-tru...
Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13yearold gymnast, is an expert at it.To perfect her skills, Lola ___ for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.That's especi...
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Conventional atomic force microscopy (AFM) tips have remained largely unchanged in nanomachining processes, constituent materials, and microstructural constructions for decades, which limits the measurement performance based on force-sensing feedbacks. I
of FGM beams under different graded indexes were plotted.The numerical results show that all the frequencies of unbuckled beams decrease continuously with the increment of load.However,when the beams are in post-buckled state,the effect of axial force on each order of natural frequency is variant...
We describe an exact derivation of the total nondissipative transverse force acting on a quantized vortex moving in a uniform background. The derivation is valid for neutral boson or fermion superfluids, provided the order parameter is a complex scalar quantity. The force is determined by the one...
As the rust expansion force grows, the tensile stress first presents in the inner part and gradually expands to the surface regions with a tendency of continual expansion, as in Fig. 7c. However, the stress on the end surface appears stably lower, as in Fig. 7d. From the staged profiles...