One of the overarching problems we face is that we think it's possible to say what America is. It's not all liberal, nor conservative, nor any other quality reducible to a meme. As long as we keep looking for a solution that is, for just so long will we fail to find one. There...
Many of the users who come to Linux today with eyes wide open will move on to become the Linux geeks of tomorrow. Some of them will even find their way to the forums, helping an even newer generation of newcomers avoid the pitfalls that all newbies at first face. Today they might not ...
Well that is exactly what happened in a conversation between some of our staff members last week. A seemingly simple question turns into a long, in-depth, conversation about the nature of the force and ends with many open ended questions that could continue the conversation on indefi...
8C. oCmompapraisroisnonofolfatleartearladlidspislpaclaecmemenetnbtebtewtweeenenFiFelideldmmeaesausruermemenetnatnadndFiFnianlaelEe lEemlemenetn(tF(EF)E) SimSiumlautliaotniornesruesltu; l(ta;)(a(H) (-Ht--Yt-0Y) 0th) ethceucruvrevaetatht tehpeopinotinotfotfhtehgergoruonudndsusrufarcf...
1.2 mm. The dimensions of the developed silicone retractor were: Width, 24 mm; lesniligcotFhnie,gur1er5etr5amcsthmoorw,;wsthhaniiccohkvcneorenvssieissw,t 2ooffmtthhermeme.asntAeupsfsa.cmtFuierrsinnt,tgitohanendseeadnssseeinmagrblcliioenmrg,pptorhnoeceensrtseiestsrmoafactnthouerffaocmrt...
hraesnnidnudomuicbtaeetrrins g thinrbedaenicdrae)t.ginRiogengtshioranel-eo1nriegsgaitonhneisndnaeleofrenbcgtatnlhidneewdeiotffhectaht edliinbselaonocfdattih(oienbnoaefnrgdbrea(ainntdenr,eroinfbftsaeenrtdm(,8ei–nd1ti0eartµmemeb)da.inIandte,thbaeanndndeo,igauhntbedorrobiunatgnerd)...
hpperrefeossussuurrrveeaaraninaddblddeisifffcfeeorrneensnitdtiiaealrleppdrreeisnsssutuhrreee..inTTvhheeesptpirgreeasstsisouunrreeaaranenddthrreeeereeddevdvaavllvavleevdediidsspipsllpaalccaecmemenetnits, mreeeadsvuarelvddedvierelocctctlliyyt,y,s,soportthehseeseuerrrreoorarsnsadarredeissfofoeller...