使用kubectl drain 命令:如果需要安全地删除节点上的所有 Pod(例如进行节点维护),可以使用 kubectl drain 命令,该命令会先优雅地终止 Pod,然后再从节点上移除它们。 5. 给出执行 kubectl delete pod --force 命令的正确方式 执行kubectl delete pod --force 命令的正确方式如下: bash kubectl delete pod <pod...
Create a downstream cluster Create a deployment Force delete a pod from the deployment Receive the following error: Error deleting converting (url.Values) to (v1.DeleteOptions): unknown conversion RESULTS ✅ Expected Force delete to remove the pod ❌ Actual Pod was not deleted and an error...
kubectl get pod|awk -F'[ ]+' '$3~/Terminating|Evicted/{print $1}'|xargs -n1 kubectl delete pod --force --grace-period=0 删除所有命名空间中pod状态不正常的pod for i in `kubectl get ns|awk -F'[ ]+' 'NR>=2{print $1}'`;do kubectl get pod -n $i|awk -F'[ ]+' '$3~/T...
run a pod whose container has graceful termination feature and trigger that(like remain some sessions) kill the pod with kubectl delete po [pod] --grace-period 0 --force. the pod is deleted immediately but the container is not can see the container in the node like crictl ps or the co...
又比如删除PV时,如果你的PV已经绑定一个PVC,这时你强制删除PV也是会发生此问题,一直处于卡主的状态,正常删除顺序应该是:先删除POD ->再删除其绑定的PVC ->然后再删除该PV。 解决办法:本地开启proxy入口,然后通过PUT请求删除指定资源。 # 终端1 [root@k8s147 ]#kubectl proxyStarting to serve on
kubectl apply 通过文件名或控制台输入,对资源进行配置。摘要通过文件名或控制台输入,对资源进行配置。接受JSON和YAML格式的描述文件。 kubectl apply -f FILENAME 示例 # 将pod.json中的配置应用到pod $ kubectl apply -f ./pod.json # 将控制台输入的JSON配置应用到Pod $ cat pod.json | kubectl apply -f...
kubectl exec -it test-deployment-56f74b48c7-c7xsg -- /bin/sh / # echo test1 > /data/file1 / # ls /data file1 lost+found / # cat /data/file1 test1 (7) Set NodeDownPodDeletionPolicy = delete-both-statefulset-and-deployment-pod (8) Find the node which contains the pod of the...
kubectl get pod|awk -F'[ ]+' '$3~/Terminating|Evicted/{print $1}'|xargs -n1 kubectl delete pod --force --grace-period=0 删除所有命名空间中pod状态不正常的pod for i in `kubectl get ns|awk -F'[ ]+' 'NR>=2{print $1}'`;do kubectl get pod -n $i|awk -F'[ ]+' '$3~/...
Hello! I got this error: kubectl delete rook-ceph error: resource(s) were provided, but no name, label selector, or --all flag specified or: kubectl delete rook-ceph --force error: resource(s) were provided, but no name, label selector, ...
The wait for all cascading to complete on delete was resolved in kubectl 1.11.1 /close What is acrually delaying the deletion of the pods associated with the deployments should be able to be determined from the pod logs and kubelet logs ...