Therefore, both force-motion relation can be explained in three cases – Force can cause motion and acceleration When force is applied to a stationary object, it starts moving. If the force being applied is continuous, then the object gains acceleration. If the force being applied is removed,...
A self-induced translation model of myosin head motion in contracting muscle I. Force-velocity relation and energy liberation In our previous model, it was assumed that the two heads of myosin act co-operatively in producing force for the sliding of actin filaments relative to myo... MH Ohshim...
from the critical beam power at the moment of the start of the displacement of a particle trapped by a gradually attenuating beam against the frictional force of the medium used in horizontal motion with a sample cell on a moving stage driven by a linear motor at various constant rates,31 ...
A simple mechanichal problem of the force-free motion of a relativistic bead inside a rotating pipe is examined. A relevant change of shape of the pipe is considered. The force-free motion of the bead along the rotating pipe is examined as the motion in a differentially rotating medium. The...
Unlike the natural environment, the technological environment is a huge mass in rapid motion. It is no wonder then that our society with its numerous institutions and organizations has an almost impossible task in adjusting to this whirling technological environment. It should be no surprise to soci...
LinkedIn URLs and custom profiles for purposes of targeted advertising, delivering relevant email content, event promotion and profiling, determining eligibility and verifying contact information. This helps us update, expand, and analyze our records, identify new customers, and create more tailored adver...
Coriolis force, in classical mechanics, an inertial force described by the 19th-century French engineer-mathematician Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis in 1835. An inertial force must be included in the equations of Newtonian laws of motion if they are to be used
Newton’s laws of motion - Force, Mass, Acceleration: Newton’s second law is a quantitative description of the changes that a force can produce on the motion of a body. It states that the time rate of change of the momentum of a body is equal in both ma
LinkedIn URLs and custom profiles for purposes of targeted advertising, delivering relevant email content, event promotion and profiling, determining eligibility and verifying contact information. This helps us update, expand, and analyze our records, identify new customers, and create more tailored adver...
Manipulations of relative direction of motion and point of contact between the objects had different effects on the causal and force impressions (Experiment 1); delay between one object contacting another and the latter starting to move had a stronger effect on the causal impression than on the ...