At the center of the mystery stands Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), one of the lone survivors of an expedition decimated by the malevolent force twenty years earlier. Imperious and relishing his solitude on "his" world, Morbius lives alone on the planet with his robot manservant, Robby (who...
“I Waited Till the Twilight” by Charles Swain I waited till the twilight,And yet he did not come ;I strayed along the brookside,And slowly wandered home :When who should come behind me,But him I would have chid ;He said he came to find meDo you really think he did? He said sinc...
Of all the movies debuting this summer, I am most looking forward to "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes." This series has been on a roll since the 2011 reboot and I'm excited to see it take a new direction more akin to the original films300 years after the events of "War for ...
Twilight Zone - Manhattan Transfer Last Dance - Donna Summer Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Santa Esmeralda Disc 4: Can You Feel It - Jacksons Popmuzik - M 19 - Paul Hardcastle How About It - MDMC On The Beat - B B & Q Band Spin It - Sunbelt Don't You Want Me - Felix Don...