2022年福布斯中国30 Under 30的入围条件是1992年1月1日以后出生 ( 对入选者年龄的计算也以1月1日为界)。他/她通常而言是一位优秀的创业者,公司关键岗位的创新推动者、一个较大团队的领导者、某个关键项目的负责人、某项科技发明的引领者以及不限于上述情况的各种开创与青年领导力的代表们。这些入选者的公司总...
2022福布斯 中国30 Under 30 列表 姓名年龄机构职位行业/领域 陈剑莹27天浩盛世娱乐签约导演大文娱 陈镇威30纽约城市芭蕾舞团/CAA中国首席芭蕾舞者大文娱 崔杉30中央音乐学院古筝演奏家大文娱 单嘉男28say architects赛沃建筑联合创始人大文娱 范可新29/短道速滑运动员大文娱...
上榜的运动员中有15位是奥运选手,其中包括一些家喻户晓的名字,比如出生于美国的滑雪运动员顾爱玲,她代表中国参加了今年的北京冬奥会,并获得了两枚金牌和一枚银牌。 关于2022年《福布斯》亚洲30 Under 30的全部上榜者信息,可登录https://www.forbes.com/30-under-30/2022/asia/查看...
Forbes India 30 Under 30: How is the Class of 2022 doing?Our listees of the past year have continued making strides in their respective fields. A quick look back at where the last year has landed themBy Forbes India Published: Feb 22, 2023 04:46:49 PM IST Updated: Feb...
Claressa Shields picked up another huge honor this week as she was named one of the Forbes 30 Under 30 for 2022.
Jean-Dominique Nguele the Coding Nagger is a Writer of Code definitely not listed in Forbes' 30 under 30. He writes blog posts and also this description despite it being third person. You will find here blog posts that were probably not written by a bot
mainstream pop. A recent smash-hit was his collaboration with American rapper Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, known professionally as DaBaby, on their songShowing off Her Body.The video was filmed in Nigeria and directed by FORBES AFRICA’s 2022 30 Under 30 list-maker Apampa Owolabi, known as Dammy ...
前摩根大通28岁的女VP跳槽去香奈儿了 刚刚入选Forbes 30 under 30精英榜的Zoia Kozakov,离开金融行业直接转投香奈儿。 从LinkedIn的消息看,Kozakov毕业于哥伦比亚大学,曾在Citi担任产品经理和副总裁,2022年-2024年,曾担任摩根大通VP,也是该行设备数字钱包的负责人。 据了解,Kozakov将成为香奈儿数字战略和...查看全文 相...
With PR campaigns On online recruitment profiles In investor presentations decks For your promotional events and conferences On promotional products (pens, water bottles, bag, etc...) With Google AdWords In television, radio, and podcast advertising ...
To coincide with the launch of the “50 Over 50” list, Forbes and Know Your Value will host its second 30/50 Summit in Abu Dhabi in March 2023. The global event will bring together the most powerful global leaders, including honorees from both the “30 Under 30” and “50 ...