2023福布斯 中国杰出商界女性100 列表 排名姓名公司职位 1王来春立讯精密创始人、董事长、总经理 2董明珠格力电器董事长、总裁 3赵宁药明康德董事、高级副总裁 4孟晚舟华为副董事长、轮值董事长、CFO 5张楠字节跳动抖音集团CEO 6戴珊阿里巴巴集团国内数字商业板块总裁...
2023福布斯 美国富豪榜TOP100 列表 1埃隆·马斯克2,510特斯拉、 SpaceX52 2杰夫·贝索斯1,610亚马逊59 3拉里·埃里森1,580甲骨文79 4沃伦·巴菲特1,210伯克希尔·哈撒韦93 5拉里·佩奇1,140谷歌50 6比尔·盖茨1,110微软67 7谢尔盖·布林1,100谷歌50
Chairperson & Managing Director of Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group were both recognized on Forbes’ list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women 2022, taking their place among some of the most influential female leaders globally. Mona Ataya, Founder and CEO of Mumzworld and Randa Sadik, CEO of A...
Top 100 Listed Companies 2023 2.SABIC Country:Saudi Arabia Sector:Industrials CEO:Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh Market Value:$74.3 billion Sales:$52.9 billion Profits:$6.3 billion Assets:$83.5 billion SABIC is among the world’s largest petrochemical manufacturers, with operations in around 50 countries and...
HighRadius, the leading provider of the Autonomous Finance Platform for the Office of the CFO, has been named to the 2023 Forbes Cloud 100 list for its market leadership as the only Autonomous Finance software platform for the Office of the CFO with solu
Serving enterprise customers in over 100 countries, we partner with our customers to deliver continuous innovation and breakthrough results. Our unwavering commitment to doing what we say we will do and our investment in the highest levels of security and reliability for our products make us second...
“This year’s Cloud 100 list is one of the most dynamic in history. While the industry faced macro headwinds, the 2023 Cloud 100 winners displayed the innovation and resilience of the cloud economy and the combination of growth and efficiency that prove the power of the cloud business model...
and sustainable refrigerant products and services to the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration industry – and one of the nation’s largest refrigerant reclaimers – today announced that it was ranked number 5 on the 2023 Forbes List of the 100 Best Small Co...
We rate only the very best — over 2,100 hotels, restaurants, spas and ocean cruises in 90 countries (and counting). Cancun Nizuc Resort & Spa Explore Destinations DESTINATIONS | Capri Kuwait Waldorf Astoria Kuwait WE ARE Authentic We started as Mobil Travel Guide in 1958, and we created...