Any other agent would have kicked your ass to the curb long up:赞扬,夸大柯林斯英语释义:If someone talks up a particular thing, they make it sound more interesting, valuable, or likely than it originally seemed.例句:He'll be talking up his plans for the economy. piss off:使厌烦...
For example they discovered that stannous chloride is not only great for toughening ruby glass, but if it's mixed with gold, it turns bright purple. Now either your fingers actually are worth their weight in gold, or you've been sprinkling your husband's cereal with gold sodium thiomalate....
THOUSANDS of people across Wales will be exploring a vast range of learning opportunities at special events around the country during Adult Learners' Week (May 9-16).Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Firstly, I will design my life plan firstly. Because once identifying I want, I will own infinite energy to achieve goal. Secondly,I must find out what I should do. And this requires a strong understanding of me and my personality and talent. Lastly, I wil put into action to...
人教版必修一Unit3语法presentcontinuousforfutureaction Page 1集成电路是采用半导体制作工艺,在一块较小的单晶硅片上制作上许多晶体管及电阻器、电容器等元器件,按照多层布线或遂道布线的方法将元器件组合成完整的电子电路,因其管脚非常密集,所以非常容易造成虚焊.脱焊等原因故障率较高。Unit3TravelJournalGrammarPresentCo...
Action for Happiness | Optimistic October 乐观的十月 10月19金句 Identify one of your positive qualities that will be helpful in the future.找出一个对你未来有帮助的积极品质。古诗:“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。”唐代,李白,《将进酒》释义: 每个人生来必定有独特的才能,财富用尽也可以再次获得...
Taking action to change your life is empowering.When you sit back and wait for things to change for you, you’re likely to become depressed and feel like a victim of your circumstances. But when you turn that inaction into concrete steps to improve your life, you will become hopeful of ...
4. Twenty-five years ago the people of this country, and of the world for that matter, had the opportunity to make vital decisions regarding their future welfare. I think we must agree that the negative course of action followed by the United States after the First World War did not achie...
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When you see how you are spending your money and you're guided by that information, you can make better decisions aboutwhere you want your money to go in the future. Is the enjoyment and convenience of eating out worth the extra money each month to you? If so, great—as long as you...