: for x, y, c in zip(xarr, yarr, cond)] In [169]: result Out[169]: [1.1, 2.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.5] This has multiple problems. First, it will not be very fast for large arrays (because all the work is being done in interpreted Python code). Second, it will not work with ...
Yan H, Gao Y, Zhang Y (2017) Inhibition of JNK suppresses autophagy and attenuates insulin resistance in a rat model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Mol Med Rep 15:180–186. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2016.5966 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zhu X, Zhou MI, Liu G et al (...
---BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK--- mQINBGG4urcBEACrbsRa7tSSyxSfFkB+KXSbNM9rxYqoB78u107skReefq4/+Y72 TpDvlDZLmdv/lK0IpLa3bnvsM9IE1trNLrfi+JES62kaQ6hePPgn2RqxyIirt2se Si3Z3n3jlEg+mSdhAvW+b+hFnqxo+TY0U+RBwDi4oO0YzHefkYPSmNPdlxRPQBMv 4GPTNfxERx6XvVSPcL1+jQ4R2cQFBryNhidBFI...
Bitmap.makeFromImage is faster than canvas.drawImage on web: With canvas.drawImage: First call: 44ms; Second call: 14ms; Third call: 16ms; (for 256x256 PNG image) With Bitmap.makeFromImage: First c...
There seems to be an issue at embedding images in a pdf file Steps to reproduce error: Paste the following code in the pdfmake/playground The sample file should render OK Download the resulting document Open using Acrobat Reader, I am us...
EsnPC(集成 Mpv &YouTube)是本站制作的Foobar2000主题皮肤,支持浅色和深色模式切换,安装包集成众多音频解码插件、可视化插件等,同时集成 Mpv 视频播放插件和YouTube视频播放插件。文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-https://www.esnpc.com/foobar2000-themes-esnpc-v2-mpv-youtube/ ...
variable (geographic zone for each individual) was treated as an interaction term, where the resultingP-values represent the significance of the genotype x environment interaction. Specifically, for the GxE GWAAs in GEMMA, the model is specified asy = Wα + xsnpβsnp + xenv...
((y)=>uniform(0.0,5)+uniform(0.0,5)).array;autoaes = xs.zip(ys).map!((a)=>aes!("x","y")(a[0], a[1]));//Start gtk window.autogtkwin =newGTKWindow();//gtkwin.run runs the GTK mainloop, so normally blocks, but we can//run it in its own thread to get around this...