Depending on your cancer type, your doctor may prescribe estrogen replacement therapy—also called hormone therapy for menopause—to reduce the sexual side effects you experience. Topical estrogen creams applied to the vaginal area also can be used. However, women with hormone-sensitive breast or ova...
You might not know this: Many of the medicines we take -- common drugs like Ambien and everyday aspirin -- were only ever tested on men. And the unknown side effects for women can be dangerous, even deadly. Alyson McGregor studies the differences between
(HealthDay)—Gender differences extend to cancer treatments, with women having a higher risk of severe side effects from certain treatments than men, a new study finds.
| Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women Alyson McGregor | Alyson McGregor, 2014 00:00:11 我们都会去看病就医。 We all go to doctors. 00:00:15 我们还盲目的坚信 And we do so with trust and blind faith 00:00:20 他们所做的测试以及所开的处方药 that the test they are ...
Side-effects of spironolactone therapy in the hirsute woman. Spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist with antiandrogenic activities, is often used to treat hirsute women. Several investigators have reported beneficial effects of such treatment, but the dosages used and side-effects encountered d... ...
Side effects expected and experi- enced by women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. BMJ 1991; 302: 272.Tierney AJ, Leonard RC, Taylor J, Closs SJ, Chetty U, Rodger A. Side effects expected and experienced by women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. BMJ 1991;302:272....
Does Vitality Stress Pack For Women Combination Package interact with other drugs you are taking? Enter your medication into the WebMD interaction checker Check Interactions Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as passing out or trouble breathing, call 911. Otherwise,...
医学家Alyson McGregor提倡医疗改革,改善女性的医疗环境。她认为医院和医生需要考虑到病人性别的不同而提供更为个性化的医疗方案。虽然实现这一目标很难,但是她相信我们每个人都可以为改变世界贡献一点力量。只要我们携手抗争,共同努力,改变就会发生!正如马丁.路德金说过的一句话:“改变不会自动寻上门,而是经过不断挣扎而...
Oh, I imagine those women would relish the poetic justice if you wound up in the same boat.relish:动词。品味,喜欢poetic justice:名词。报应wind up in the same boat:栽在同一件事上 23:20 You thought if you left Jade and I alone to get comfortable, we'd get a little loose, a little...
Nutrition for Women③ DOSAGE OF PROGESTERONE 黄体酮的剂量 Since progesterone is not known to have any side effects except for alteration of the menstrual cycle and production of euphoria (until doses of several grams per day are reached, at which point its anesthetic property begins to appear),...