歌曲名《For Whom the Bell Tolls (Made Popular By Metallica) [Karaoke Version]》,由 Party Tyme Karaoke 演唱,收录于《Party Tyme - Rock Male Hits 7 (Karaoke Versions)》专辑中,《For Whom the Bell Tolls (Made Popular By Metallica) [Karaoke Version]》下载,
She had not gone back to bed at all since she had roused Robert Jordan and now she was sitting on a stool in the smoky cave sewing the rip in one of Jordan's packs. The other pack was already sewed. The firelight lit up her face. "Take more of the stew," she said ...
歌曲名《For Whom The Bell Tolls (Live At Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA / August 3rd, 1986)》,由 Metallica 演唱,收录于《Master Of Puppets (Deluxe Box Set / Remastered)》专辑中,《For Whom The Bell Tolls (Live At Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA / August 3r
For Whom the Bell Tolls(丧钟为谁而鸣) Ernest Miller Hemingway 著 美国青年罗伯特·乔丹志愿参加西班牙政府军,在敌后搞爆破活动。为配合反攻,他奉命和地方游击队联系,完成炸桥任务。在纷飞的战火中,他与被敌人糟蹋过的小姑娘玛丽亚堕入爱河,藉此抹平了玛丽亚心灵的创伤。在三天的时间里,罗伯特历经爱情与职责的...
He hears the silence so loud Now they see what will be blindeed eyes to see For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls 查看完整歌词 设为彩铃 3 AI·DJ AI唢呐 AI钢琴 AI骨笛 AI伴奏 AI清唱 AI尤克 AI调速 下载歌曲打开酷狗 评论...
When I lay the card down当我把卡片放下 Will I turn up the fool我会不会像个傻瓜一样 Will it turn up sorrow会不会变成悲伤 Is there one there for you是否有一个人陪着你 For whom the bell tolls丧钟为谁而鸣 It tolls for thee为你而鸣 For whom the bell tolls丧钟为谁而鸣 It...
《For Whom the Bell Tolls》是美国重金属乐队 Metallica 的经典作品之一,该曲灵感源自海明威 1940 年创作的同名小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》,小说以西班牙内战为背景,讲述了美国人参与其中的战争、爱情与牺牲等故事。歌曲中的具体情节影射了小说第 27 章中的场景,即五名士兵在山上占据防御阵地后,遭空袭丧生。《For ...
Men of five still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls Take a look to the sky just before you die It's the last time you will Blackened roar massive roar fills the crum...
Ernest Hemingway(欧内斯特·海明威)《For Whom the Bell Tolls》《丧钟为谁而鸣》解析目录Ernest Hemingway(欧内斯特·海明威)简介《丧钟为谁而鸣》的历史背景与《丧钟为谁而鸣》相关的其他书籍关于《丧钟为谁而…
Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls (Live In Mexico City|Explicit)