名次名称解锁时间 1Slowbrew'd [IOG]2023-10-18 01:23:57 2Julius2023-10-28 16:21:37 3我好兴奋啊2023-11-02 19:18:37 4墨韵随风逝2023-11-02 19:40:09 5OhJey2023-11-02 19:47:41 6Jelly2023-11-02 19:49:20 7YUU2023-11-02 20:01:21 ...
The official site of the National Basketball Association. Follow the action on NBA scores, schedules, stats, news, Team and Player news.
With its addictive loot grinding, class leveling, and co-op gameplay, it's a class act in the action RPG spookshow. Its impact has echoed through the decade, with it's hack-n-slash mechanics being replicated in countless titles. Developer: Blizzard Entertainment Genres (Video game): Role-...
For The King 完成游戏所需平均时间:95.8 小时 72 个成就,价值 54.61 分 成就描述获取时间分值属性回报 ProgressDefeat the Cultist Camp2017-09-26 05:14:520.25 All that glittersPurge the Glittering Mines2017-09-26 05:14:520.29 Protector of the GodsDefeat the Foul Priestess2017-09-26 05:14:520.50...
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Lawnchair 12 Alpha 5 13, 12, 11 ⚠️ If you're running the Android 13 of the subsystem (2211.40000.11.0), if you launch any app from either the home screen or the app drawer, it crashes with an error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method setSplashscreen(I)V in class L...
getRunningStats() automatically waits for agenda to be connected before calling any database operations uses a database abstraction layer behind the scene does not create a database index by default, you can setensureIndex: truewhen initializing Agenda or run manually: ...
Device(config)#media class 9 Configures a media class and enters media class configuration mode. Step 11 stream-service profiletag Example: Device(cfg-mediaclass)#stream-service profile 99 Associates the details specific tostream-servicewithmedia classfor WebSocket. ...
The Apollo and Artemis Diamonds are described as "truly exceptional stones" that are in a "class of their own" as a pair. Mom nurtures her disabled son all the way to Harvard When Zou Hongyan welcomed her only son to the world in 1988, terrible birth complications left him disabled for...
After adjusting for smoking, education, and social class, RT was an even stronger predictor of death than intelligence. However, these results do not imply that PS is the causal factor underlying intelligence: an important counterargument is that training and improving PS does not transfer to ...