Bukas Palad Music Ministry - Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God) (For the Greater Glory of God) 酷狗音乐 / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God) Bukas Palad Music Ministry 03:53...
Hosanna in the highest heaven, chants of love and hope, not hatred Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel, wishes to Jesus they...
For the greater glory of God and man.The article reviews the book "The English Country House Chapel: Building a Protestant Tradition," by Annabel Ricketts.HillRosemaryEBSCO_bspSpectator
Ut Omnes Unum Sint, ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam - That they all may be One, for the greater glory of God
aBlood,sweat and Tears 血液、汗水和泪花[translate] afor the glory of God 为上帝荣耀[translate]
荣耀上帝 [For the Glory of God] 书卷:哥林多前书(新约) 作者:保罗 哥林多前书10章31节:“所以,你们或吃或喝,无论作什么,都要为荣耀上帝而行。” 今日默想:基督徒行事为人的原则为对上帝有荣耀;对己有益处,且不受辖制;对人有益处,能造就人。凡亏缺神荣耀的事都是罪,都是我们不该作的。
To be the best Institution offering holistic Education to the Children that makes them globally competitive. Read more... Our Core Values Justice, Sincerity, Freedom, Felicity, Integrity, Service, Respect and Prayer. Read more... Loreto Convent Mombasa - "All for the Greater Glory of God" ...
写给上帝荣光的维特根斯坦语言哲学 wittgenstein' s language for the glory of the god 2011年第6期总第163期外语学刊FO REl G N LAN G U AG E RESEARCH2011。N o.6Seri al N o.163写给上帝荣光的维特根斯坦语言哲学王熠( 河西学院,张掖734000)提要:维特根斯坦一生的哲学研究都以语言为中心展开,不论是...
aTo the glory of God, who has called us by grace; to the honour of Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us; to the praise of the Holy Spirit, who illumines and sanctifies us. 到上帝荣耀,由雍容叫我们; 到耶稣荣誉 基督,爱我们并且给自己为我们; 到圣灵的称赞, 谁照亮并且神...
Through his writings and practices, Edwards provides us with the tools--the "means of grace"--that make us receptive to God's work in our lives as we learn to abide in Christ. Here we find a well-rounded account of being formed for the glory of God. 展开 ...