To keep as a treasure in my heart. Someone who is so true Fine and caring. ... Read Poem My Son Aufie Zophy My son, I can see so many good things in you And here I am really honest and true. My son, I love it when your caring heart opens wide When I had a headache...
Read Poem You. aya ayawillneverfear I remember meeting u in Decemberi was nervous it was my first day at a new school, u greeted me like we've met, ... Read Poem Poetry Heaven Kim Barney Last night I went to bed at elevenAnd dreamed I went to Poetry Heaven.Keeper of the...
“There are a few happy birthday messages I want to send to my dad in heaven. First: Thank you for making my time with you amazing. Second: Thank you for being the dad I will forever be proud of. Third: Thank you for all the wonderful memories. Fourth: Thank you for having faith ...
饒伯•貝爾與 '創世歌謠' (Rob Bell and the 'Genesis Poem') 2011 - 05 - 22 PM 饒伯•貝爾與耶和華見證人的比較 (Rob Bell and the Jehovah's Witnesses Compared) 2011 - 05 - 22 AM 饒伯•貝爾是否認為神僅有一樣屬性? (Does Rob Bell Think God has Only One Attribute?) 2011 - 05...
11. My Dad Would Like To Be Santa By Graham Craven Published by Family Friend Poems November 2020 with permission of the Author. His belly's getting bigger, And his hair is turning white. His eyes shine and sparkle Like the stars on Christmas night. Read Complete Poem Stories 1 Shares...
Birthday PoemsMy Friend On Your BirthdayByAnisha Joseph Wishing Your Friend A Happy Birthday Stories1 Shares22134 Favorited48 Votes2373 Rating 9 Memorial Day PoemsA Mother's TearByAmy Peterson Poem About How War Changes Someone Stories6 Shares5396 ...
“My Wedding Day” (poem from the bride to father) by Lacey D. Karlek I think about the time, Not so long ago, That when I needed a helping hand, You were the first to know I think about the memories, The good times we’ve shared, ...
There is a lot of interest in deceased father poems that can be used as eulogy poems. I want a poem about my fathers death, they say; please write a poem for the loss of a a father. Here it is, and I'm so sorry for your loss. We Can’t Believe You’re GoneDad, our ...
Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice -- I, just wear my Wings -- And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church, Our little Sexton -- sings. God preaches, a noted Clergyman -- And the sermon is never long, So instead of getting to Heaven, at last -- ...
romance and marriage to the right person; having a child and doing those dad things like coaching my son's baseball team, paddling around the creek in the boat while he's swimming with the dogs, discovering his compassi...