In VBA, “for loop” is easy to use. It follows a simple and understandable syntax. Syntax: For <counter> = <start> to <end> [ <step value> ] [ ] Next [ <counter> ] where <counter>is the iterator variable which keeps incrementing by the<step value>after every iteration. <step...
Do While counter < iNumber 'The do loop will exit when the value of counter becomes 9 counter = counter + 1 Loop MsgBox counter For…Next Statement A For…Next loop instructs UFT One to iterate one or more statements a specified number of times. The following is the syntax of For..Ne...
For d = 0 To 2 System.Console.WriteLine("In the For Loop") Next d 2>While condition [statements] wend example Dim d, e As Integer d = 0 e = 6 While e > 4 e -= 1 d += 1 End While 3>Do[{while | Until} condition] [statements] [Exit Do] [statements] Loop example: Do ...
From this example, it is very clear that the “For” loop has helped us avoid typing/copying 51 statements and printing the numbers in continuous order. Justone statementwithin the loop used wisely following the syntax has saved us a lot of time. How to Break the Loop: The “Exit For”...
是的 因为forloop不属于系统保留的关键字 可以依靠下面的程序来判断 Sub x()Dim forloop As String forloop = "1"Debug.Print forloop End Sub
本题考查VB循环结构相关知识。用来实现循环结构的语句有:(1)For…Next循环,计数循环,常用于循环次数已知的情况;(2)Do While…Loop循环,当条件为True时循环,在进入循环之前检查条件;(3)do…loop until循环,当条件为false循环,在循环至少运行一次后检查条件;(4)do…loop while循环,当条件为True循环,在循环至少运行...
这个提示还不明白吗? 你上面的代码没有写For,但是后面的代码里却出来了个Next,VB不知道这个Next是和哪个For是一组的,就提示你了,Do和Loop的问题也同理.
//首先奇数不能被2整除,这就是突破口,我利用C#的语法写的,你可以作为参考,原理是一样的 int sum=0;int i=1; //初始值是1 int totol=99; //最大值是99 for(i=1;i<=99;i++) //遍历1到99 { if(i%2!=0) //不能被2整除,则是奇数 {sum+=i;} i++;} return ...
This increment can be set to any numeric value by adding a Step Clause in the For loop syntax.Copy For x As Integer = 1 To 10 Step 2 Console.WriteLine( "Number " & x ) Next You can also have "for" loops count downwards. This is simply done by specifying Step with a negative ...
For ---next,在循环变量控制下,循环若干次 Do While ---Loop,在满足条件下进入循环,不满足时,退出循环