我提过多次 “迭代” 这个词,可以看出它在 Python 中占有重要的位置,其实 “迭代” 在 Python 中的表现就是 for 循环,从对象中获得一定数量的元素。在这里我们介绍一个方便的技巧,在使用迭代的时候,可以通过 zip() 函数对多个序列进行并行迭代。请看下面的例子: >>> name = ['rocky','leey','zhangsan']>...
4 for i in range(1,4): # i代表变量 rang(1,4)表示打印1 2 3,第四次不循环。 5 print("循环次数:",i)# 输出结果是1 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 #__ author:"Cheng" 2 #date:2018-02-12 3 4 for i in range(1,101,2): #后面这个2叫步长,先输出完1后,每个递增2 5 print("输出...
ExampleGet your own Python Server Print each fruit in a fruit list: fruits = ["apple","banana","cherry"] forxinfruits: print(x) Try it Yourself » Theforloop does not require an indexing variable to set beforehand. Looping Through a String ...
We can use continue statements inside a for loop to skip the execution of the for loop body for a specific condition. Let’s say we have a list of numbers and we want to print the sum of positive numbers. We can use the continue statements to skip the for loop for negative numbers. ...
2isless than 3 3isnotless than 3True! True! True! True! True! True! True! #!python2#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-deftest_fun(num,step): i=0 numbers=[]whilei<num:print"At the top i is %d"%i numbers.append(i) i=i+stepprint"Numbers now:",numbersprint"At the bottom i is %d"%i...
“从零开始,一点一滴地分享所有我学到的Python知识。” 一、综述 在一般情况下,程序是按顺序依次执行的。但,循环(loop)语句允许我们多次执行一个语句或一组语句。 Python中的循环语句可分为以下几种:for循环,while循环和嵌套循环。其中,嵌套循环指,在一个循环里嵌套了另一个循环的循环体。
for Loop with Python range() In Python, therange()function returns a sequence of numbers. For example, # generate numbers from 0 to 3values = range(0,4) Here,range(0, 4)returns a sequence of0,1,2,and3. Since therange()function returns a sequence of numbers, we can iterate over ...
loop:1loop:2loop:3loop:4loop:5loop:6loop:7loop:8loop:9 需求一:还是上面的程序,但是遇到大于5的循环次数就不走了,直接跳出本次循环进入下一次循环 foriinrange(10):ifi>5:continue#不往下走了,跳出本次循环直接进入下一次循环print("Result:", i ) ...
In Python, you can have loops inside loops, which are known as nested loops. for i in range(3): for j in range(2): print(i, j) This will iterate through a combination of each i and j value. The break statement The break statement allows you to exit the loop when a certain cond...
while和for是 Python 中常用的两种实现循环的关键字,它们的运行效率实际上是有差距的。比如下面的测试代码: import timeit def while_loop(n=100_000_000): i = 0 s = 0 while i < n: s += i i += 1 return s def for_loop(n=100_000_000): ...