This loop takes every 137th number (for i in range(0, 10000000, 137)) and it checks during each iteration whether the number has 7 digits or not (if len(str(i)) == 7). Once it gets to the the first 7-digit number, the if statement will beTrueand two things happen: print(i)...
The loop starts with theForstatement, which initializes the value ofito1and sets the loop to run whileiis less than or equal to10. TheStep 1argument specifies that the loop should incrementiby1each time. If i = 6 Or i = 8 Or i = 9 Then The If statement checks whetheriis equal to...
Inside the loop, you can referenceindexbut you cannot change its value. After theFOR LOOPstatement executes, theindexbecomes undefined. Bothlower_boundandupper_boundare numbers or expressions that evaluate numbers. Thelower_boundandupper_boundare evaluated once when theFOR LOOPstatement starts. Their...
The factorial of a non-negative integernis the product of all positive integers less than or equal ton. For example, ifnis5, the return value should be120because1*2*3*4*5is120. Video: Python for Loop Previous Tutorial: Python if...else Statement...
Basic for loop syntax Likeifstatements andswitchstatements,forloop expressions don't require parentheses. But braces are required. Semicolons (;) separate the three components offorloops: An initial statement that's executed before the first iteration (optional). ...
(statement ::=) Semantics for_loop_statement index Name for the implicitly declared integer variable that is local to theFORLOOPstatement. Statements outside the loop cannot referenceindex. Statements inside the loop can referenceindex, but cannot change its value. After theFORLOOPstatement runs,ind...
for (i = 0; i < 5; statement3) { n += i; } Now if I run this, i is going to become 0 in the first loop. So that is why we see 0. Then when it is done, it is going to go to the second loop and in the second loop, i is going to become 1. Then the third loo...
The syntax of theforloop is: for(initializationStatement; testExpression; updateStatement) {// statements inside the body of loop} How for loop works? The initialization statement is executed only once. Then, the test expression is evaluated. If the test expression is evaluated to false, thefor...
So if I put the else inside the second for loop it will print some values multiple times: Lets asume i is 0 and j is 0: Therefore the result is: "hd12459 is not found in v2" In the next step i ist still 0 but j is 1 which brings the same result: "hd12459 is not found in...
The code block inside the loop is executed once for each property. Note Do not use to iterate an array if the index order is important. Use a for loop instead. See Also: The JavaScript Tutorial Syntax for(xinobject) { ...