for<variable>in<sequence>:<statements>else:<statements> Python loop循环实例: >>>languages = ["C","C++","Perl","Python"]>>>forxinlanguages: ...print(x) ... C C++Perl Python>>> 以下for 实例中使用了 break 语句,break 语句用于跳出当前循环体: #!/usr/bin/python3sites = ["Baidu","Go...
for Loop with Python range() In Python, therange()function returns a sequence of numbers. For example, values = range(4) Here,range(4)returns a sequence of0,1,2,and3. Since therange()function returns a sequence of numbers, we can iterate over it using aforloop. For example, ...
Python 方法/步骤 1 新建一个JUPYTER NOTEBOOK的文件。2 创建一个列表,并把列表里的所有值都打印出来。abc = ["PS", "AI", "AE"]for adobe in abc: print(adobe)3 如果每个值重复一次可以这样操作。for adobe in abc: print(adobe) print(adobe)4 如果要打印字符串里的每一个字母,也适用这个语...
menu=['蒸羊羔','蒸鹿尾','烧花鸭','烧雏鸡','烧子鹅'] for cuisine in menu: print(cuisine) 系统输出: 蒸羊羔 蒸鹿尾 烧花鸭 烧雏鸡 烧子鹅 以上我们利用for循环实现了不同的功能。 下面着重介绍一个在for loop中循环使用else语句的例子。else 中的语句会在循环正常执行完的情况下执行。 三、把else...
Python range is one of thebuilt-in functions. When you want the for loop to run for a specific number of times, or you need to specify a range of objects to print out, the range function works really well. When working withrange(), you can pass between 1 and 3 integer arguments to...
In Python, the for loop is particularly versatile and user-friendly. It directly iterates over items of any sequence (such as a list or string), in the order that they appear, without requiring the indexing used in some other languages. This feature simplifies the process of looping through...
for i in "python": print(i) p y t h o n 在看另一个例子: for i in "abcdefg": print(i) a b c d e f g 3、列表的for循环 不管是单层列表还是多层的嵌套列表,我们都可以遍历打印出来: # 单层列表 a = ["小明","小红","小张","小王"] ...
在Python中,for循环用以下的格式构造: for[循环计数器]in[循环序列]:[执行循环任务] Copy [循环任务]在循环序列用尽之前,将会将一直被执行。 我们来看看这个例子中,如何用for循环去重复打印一个区间内的所有数字: foriinrange(0,5):print(i) Copy
The for loop in Python is used to repeatedly execute a block of code. For loops are a fundamental part of most programming languages. Keep reading to find out how the for loop works in Python and how to use it. $1 Domain Names – Grab your favorite one Simple registration Premium ...
一、Python介绍级应用方向 二、Python 特性 三、hello world 程序 四、Python 格式化输出 五、变量、数据类型、注释 六、表达式if...else 七、表达式while loop 八、表达式for loop 一、Python介绍及应用方向 python的创始人为吉多·范罗苏姆(Guido van Rossum)。