While Loop:当你不知道循环次数,但知道循环结束的条件时,可以使用 while 循环。 leti=0;while(i<10){console.log(i);i++;} For...of Loop:这是 ES6 引入的新特性,用于遍历数组或其他可迭代对象。 constarray=[1,2,3,4,5];for(constvalueofarray){console.log(value);} 这种循环本质属于迭代遍历,可...
If expression 2 returns true, the loop will start over again. If it returns false, the loop will end. If you omit expression 2, you must provide abreakinside the loop. Otherwise the loop will never end. This will crash your browser. Read about breaks in a later chapter of this tutoria...
for (const [node, content] of nodes) { console.log(node, content); } // node1 t1 // node2 t2 // node3 t3 可以看出,使用for...of遍历 Map 结构还是挺方便的,推荐使用! 总结 如果普通 for 循环用腻了,推荐使用for...of来替代。 这三种循环都可以使用 break 关键字来终止循环,也可以使用 con...
In this guide, we will be showing you how to write and use a for…of loop in JavaScript. In JavaScript, the for…of loop allows you to loop over values stored within an iterable object. These iterable objects include arrays, sets, strings, maps, NodeLists, etc. In addition, any ...
for-in循环应该用在非数组对象的遍历上,使用for-in进行循环也被称为“枚举”。 从技术上将,你可以使用for-in循环数组(因为JavaScript中数组也是对象),但这是不推荐的。因为如果数组对象已被自定义的功能增强,就可能发生逻辑错误。另外,在for-in中,属性列表的顺序(序列)是不能保证的。所以最好数组使用正常的for...
offsetTop, itNode = itNode.offsetParent // afterthought ); // 分号 console.log( `“${id}”元素的偏移位置:左侧:${left}px;顶部:${top}px;`, ); } showOffsetPos("content"); // 打印: // “content”元素的偏移位置 // 左侧:0px; // 顶部:153px; 注意,for 语句后面必须使用分号,因为...
// WebIDL-like way interface NodeList { iterable<Node> } // extends-like way interface NodeList iterable<Node> {} iterable<T> in ES6 mode will work as a shorthand of [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T> but in ES5 mode will just make an internal flag to be allowed in for-of lo...
如果 EnumerationType 是Navigator、Node 或 NodeText,则单击 OuterXPathStringSourceType 并选择源类型,然后单击 OuterXPathString。 根据为 OuterXPathStringSourceType 设置的值,请从列表中选择变量或文件连接,或创建新的变量或文件连接,或键入外部 XML 路径语言 (XPath) 表达式的字符串。
The loops are one of the most crucial concepts of structured programming techniques. It helps us improve the process’s productivity and robustness through automation. With the use of loops, we can avoid typing redundant commands, which on a larger node helps us reduce the efforts and typographic...
Node 18, 20, 22 Safari 15*, 16*, 17* Chrome Evergreen Firefox Evergreen, 102*, 115*, 128 Edge EvergreenFor evergreen browsers, each version of Jasmine is tested against the version of the browser that is available to us at the time of release. Other browsers, as well as older & ...