转自:linux按行读取 (while read line与for-loop) 在linux下一般用while read line与for循环按行读取文件。现有如下test.txt文件: 1. while read line whileread line;doecho $line done< test.txt 输出结果与上图一致。 这里也可以写为: cat test.txt |whileread line;doecho $line done 输出结果一致,但...
linux按行读取 (while read line与for-loop) 在linux下一般用while read line与for循环按行读取文件。现有如下test.txt文件: 1. while read line while read line; do echo $line done < test.txt 1. 2. 3. 输出结果与上图一致。 这里也可以写为: cat test.txt | while read line; do echo $line ...
A“for” loop is a fundamental part of almost every programming language. It helps write the code you want to be repeated in the desired number of times. For Linux-based systems, Bash also features dedicated syntax that enables its users to leverage loops for automating their day-to-day tas...
# we are here means no backup file exists, just use cp command to copy file /bin/cp $f $f.bak done 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 放在一起 Bash for循环对于自动化IT中的重复任务非常有用。让我们看看如何在多个Linux或Unix服务器上运行一个简单的命令(例如正常运行...
在Bash For Loop中使用“Continue”语句 “ continue ”语句是控制脚本运行方式的内置命令。除了bash脚本之外,它还用于Python和Java等编程语言。continue语句在满足特定条件时停止循环内的当前迭代,然后恢复迭代。可以看看如下所示的for循环。 #!/bin/bash
InBashscripting, there are 3 types ofloops:for loop,while loop, anduntil loop. The three are used to iterate over a list of values and perform a given set of commands. In this guide, we will focus on theBash For Loopin Linux. ...
$copy_web_files.sh Copying file1 to server web0 Copying file1 to server web1... TRUNCATED... Copying file3 to server web3 You can also increase the flexibility and reusability of yourforloops by including them in Bash scripts that allow parameter input. For example, to rename files like...
In any programming or scripting language, the loop is a quintessential feature. Loops are generally to perform a repetitive task until a certain condition is met. Bash is a powerful scripting language that supports all the major features of a scripting l
linux按行读取 (while read line与for-loop) 1. while read line 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 whileread line;doecho $line done<test.txt 输出结果与上图一致。 这里也可以写为: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0...
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