转自:linux按行读取 (while read line与for-loop) 在linux下一般用while read line与for循环按行读取文件。现有如下test.txt文件: 1. while read line whileread line;doecho $line done< test.txt 输出结果与上图一致。 这里也可以写为: cat test.txt |whileread line;doecho $line done 输出结果一致,但...
[转帖]linux按行读取 (while read line与for-loop) 在linux下一般用while read line与for循环按行读取文件。现有如下test.txt文件: 1. while read line whileread line;doecho $line done<test.txt 1. 2. 3. 复制 输出结果与上图一致。 这里也可以写为: cat test.txt|whileread line;doecho $line done...
fruits=("blueberry" "peach" "mango" "pineapple" "papaya") for n in ${fruits[2]}; do echo $n done C语音风格Bash循环 你可以在循环内使用变量来迭代一系列元素。这就是C语言风格Loop的用武之地。以下示例说明了这一点,它打印出从1到 7的数值列表。 #!/bin/bash n=7 for (( n=1 ; n<=$...
InBashscripting, there are 3 types ofloops:for loop,while loop, anduntil loop. The three are used to iterate over a list of values and perform a given set of commands. In this guide, we will focus on theBash For Loopin Linux. Bash For Loop Syntax As mentioned earlier, thefor loopit...
linux按行读取 (while read line与for-loop) 在linux下一般用while read line与for循环按行读取文件。现有如下test.txt文件: 1. while read line 代码语言:javascript 复制 whileread line;doecho $line done<test.txt 输出结果与上图一致。 这里也可以写为:...
Use a command similar to one of the following examples: #mount /dev/cdromby default, will mount on /mnt/cdrom, check /etc/fstab#mount /path-to-first-iso/mnt/loopassumes /mnt/loop exists Copy the content from the CD-ROM or ISO image file to the directory that you created in Step ...
There might be other ways to get this done, but remember, this is just an example of things youcando with aforloop. What if you have a mountain of files named something likeFILE002.txt, and you want to replaceFILEwith something likeTEXT. Remember that in addition to Bash itself, you ...
SQL 过程中的 LOOP 语句 LOOP 语句是特殊类型的循环语句,原因是它没有终止条件子句。它会定义重复执行的一系列语句直到另一块逻辑(通常是控制转移语句)强制控制流跳至循环外部某点。 LOOP 语句通常与下列其中一个语句配合使用:LEAVE、GOTO、ITERATE 或 RETURN。这些语句可强制控制权跳至 SQL 过程中紧跟循环之后的...
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Software Versions Fabric Configuration Performing Initial Setup of Cisco UCS 6296 Fabric Interconnects Configure Fabric Interconnect A Configure Fabric Interconnect B Logging Into Cisco UCS Manager Upgrading UCSM Software to V...
/bin/bashfor((i=0;i<1;i+=0))doecho"infinite loop"done 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. while循环 和for循环一样,while循环也是一种运行前测试语句,语法更简单: whileexpressiondocommanddone 1. 2. 3. 4. 首先while将测试expression的返回值,如果返回值为真则执行循环体,返回值为假则不执行循环。循环完成后进入...