For loop can be declared by two ways. Simple for loop contains three parts. And another for loop is for-in loop that is used to iterate any list of data or array. This tutorial shows the use of these two types of loops in awk command by using various exa
Awk 自动将提供给它的输入行划分为字段,一个字段可以定义为一组字符,这些字符通过内部字段分隔符与其他...
My problem is that I want to add the name of every file in the first column, so I run this part: awk -F"\t"'{OFS="\t"; print $i, $1}'>${i%.txt*} $imeans the file that are in the for loop, but it did not work because awk can't read the$iin the for loop. Do ...
11、for i in {1..10} 12、for i in stringchar {1..10} 13、awk 'BEGIN{for(i=1; i<=10; i++) print i}' 注意:AWK中的for循环写法和C语言一样的 --- shell中for循环用法 找了几个不同的方法来实现输出1-100间可以被3整除的数 1.用(()) #!/bin/bash clear for((i=1;i<100;i+...
11、for i in {1..10} 12、for i in stringchar {1..10} 13、awk 'BEGIN{for(i=1; i<=10; i++) print i}' 注意:AWK中的for循环写法和C语言一样的 --- shell中for循环用法 找了几个不同的方法来实现输出1-100间可以被3整除的数 1.用(()) #!/bin/bash clear for((i=1;i<100;i+...
The while Loop in the awk Language When loops are included in a awk script or command, the loop executes one time for each record that is processed. For each record, the loop executes until the condition fails. The while loop is the simplest loop available. It tests the same types of ...
三元表达式_for.awkfunction do_loop(arr, i) { for (i in arr) { print "within function: " i arr[i] } } END { array1[1]="abc" array1[2]="def" array2[1]="ABC" array2[2]="DEF" for (i in array1) { print "outside function, array1: " array1[i] } for (j in array...
与Bash 循环类似,Awk 还提供了我们在Awk While 和 For 循环文章中讨论的 for 循环和 while 循环。 Bash For 循环 – 第二种方法 for循环的第二种形式类似于'C'编程语言中的for循环,它具有三个表达式(初始化、条件和更新)。 for (( expr1; expr2; expr3 )) do commands done ...
11、for i in {1..10} 12、for i in stringchar {1..10} 13、awk 'BEGIN{for(i=1; i<=10; i++) print i}' 注意:AWK中的for循环写法和C语言一样的 --- shell中for循环用法 找了几个不同的方法来实现输出1-100间可以被3整除的数 1.用(()) #!/bin/bash clear for((i=1;i<100;i+...
1. Awk While Loop Example: Create a string of a specific length $awk 'BEGIN { while (count++<50) string=string "x"; print string }' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The above example uses the ‘BEGIN { }’ special block that gets executed before anything else in an Aw...